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20 Signs You’re Ready For College

20 Signs You’re Ready For College

As high school comes to a close, your mind is now set in college mode. No matter which college you chose, these are the signs you're ready for college.

As the days of high school are winding down, seniors have set their sights on college life. The transition from high school to college can be difficult and many are left wondering “am I ready for college?”. Continue reading in order to see if you’re prepared for the next big step in your life: college.

1. You’ve gotten accepted into the college of your choice.

You’ve envisioned this moment for years: posting a picture on Instagram with the most widely recognized symbol – your acceptance letter (#TigertownBound). Nothing is more satisfying than knowing all of your hard work has paid off…except watching all of those likes roll in.


2. You have visited your new campus at least once.

By this point, you’ve been to dozens of football games, social gatherings, and accepted student days. You practically know the campus like the back of your hand.

3. You’ve befriended other incoming freshmen.

Facebook groups, GroupMe chats, and Instagram pages are just a few places where you’ve already met some of your future classmates. You’ve even met some people by just striking up a conversation about your future plans. Coincidence? I think not.


4. You’ve met your roommate.

Again, Facebook groups and Roomsurf are two ways that you could meet a roommate. First you exchanged numbers, now you’re soulmates.

5. You’re starting to replenish your wardrobe.

Out with the old and in with the new! It’s time to trash all of those dress-code appropriate pieces that you were stuck with buying. Besides, who doesn’t love raiding the racks in their favorite store?


6. You’ve started packing for school.

Sure you have the entire summer to pack three dozen pairs of shoes, but why not start now? After all, you don’t want to wait until the very last minute and leave something important at home.

7. You’ve brushed up on your Greek life knowledge.

From Alpha to Omega and everything in between. You’ve been patiently waiting for rush week for your entire life.


8. High school drama has become obsolete.

There’s nothing like getting a fresh start. No matter how difficult it may have been, you’ve made amends with everyone (including the girl who stole your boyfriend during freshman year).

9. You’ve done some serious “adulting”.

You’ll be on your own soon, so you’ve had some practice with the real world. Opened a checking account? Check. Applied for a credit card? Check. Scheduled your own doctor’s appointment? Well….


10. You have completed your housing application.

You know exactly where your room is, the dimensions of it, and its proximity to the football field.

11. You and your roommate have agreed on a theme for your room.

Nudes? 50 shades of pink? School spirit? You’ve already bought hundreds of items to make your room feel more homely. Whatever you two decide, the possibilities are endless.


12. Furniture stores have become your best friend.

Lets be honest… your college Pinterest board has more than 1,000 pins in it. Now that it’s almost time to move out, you’ve scoured every isle in the furniture store and bought everything from oversized pillows to a minifridge. Who cares if that cute futon may or may not fit in your dorm room? It was a steal.

13. Parting ways with your favorite teachers is becoming more difficult.

You’ll no longer be seeing the same familiar faces every day. Of course you could never forget about your favorite English teacher or your softball coach. Needless to say, you’ve pretty much befriended almost all of your school’s faculty and staff on Facebook.

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14. You have experience with sleepless nights

All-nighters should be no problem for you. After all, that 10 page English paper wasn’t going to write itself. You’re basically invincible (with a little bit of Red Bull or a visit to the Keurig).

15. Campus feels like home to you.

Wherever you decide to enroll at will be your home for the next few years. But no matter how good the food is on campus, it could never beat your mom’s homemade meals.


16. You’ve changed, inside and out.

Are you the same person that you were freshman year of high school? I’ll leave it at that… #TransformationTuesday

17. You’ve received advice from any and everyone.

Specifically, loads of advice. Your parents, current college students, teachers, and even the mailman have given you life advice. Yes, these suggestions can help you make the most of your college experience, but don’t be afraid to follow your own path.

18. You’ve declared your major.

You are 100% sure that you will go into college as a journalism/engineering/nursing major and know that you will graduate with a degree in journalism/engineering/nursing.


19. College team apparel is everywhere.

Yes, that means orange and purple socks, shirts, pants, bags, accessories, etc.

20. You love your school.

Although you may be jumping into the unknown, you know you’ve made the right decision. You absolutely cannot wait until move in day in the fall because you’ll feel right at home.

These are 20 signs that you’re ready for college, no matter where you’re off to! Share your experiences with going away to college in the comments!
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