10 Signs You’re From Vero Beach Florida

Vero Beach is a fun and beautiful place, and you’re lucky if you even get the chance to vacation there, let alone live there. Living five minutes from the beach certainly has it’s obvious perks, but we locals know all the ins and outs of the city. If you’ve ever lived in Vero Beach, especially as a youngster, you will definitely be able to understand and appreciate this list.
1. You Scoff At Dunkin’ Donuts Because You’ve Experienced The Real Deal- Tastyo Donuts!
Not only do you scoff at DD, but it doesn’t even cross your mind anymore. Tastyo’s is the go-to hot spot for breakfast in Vero.
2. “Beach-Side” Is Literally The Only Place To Go.
In small town Vero Beach, we have the beach. Only the beach. I guess the name of our town is justified.
3. Going “Shopping” And Coming Home With Nothing.
Our mall does not have Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, American Eagle, or basically any trendy stores. At least we have the totally hip and cool Dillard’s and Macy’s!
4. Having Every Special Event Known To Man At Takara.
Oh yes. Our beloved hibachi restaurant, Takara. Do I need to say more?
5. Hoping For May To Come, Not Only Because Of The Summer But Because The Snow Birds Finally Leave.
No offense guys, but you drive slow, take up parking literally everywhere, and just add to the grocery store population.
6. Going To School And Only Seeing Pastel Shorts And Vineyard Vine Clothing.
Preppy, preppy, and add a topping of prep! Guys, you look like Easter Eggs. Sorry not sorry.
7. Band Is Life.
What’s orchestra? What’s chorus? And what the heck is Troupe? We love band! LIVE LOVE BAND.
8. The Chipotle Swarm After 6pm.
Not only is it a swarm, but more of a colt of softball players, moms after work, and sometimes even dogs that wait outside for their share of guac and chicken. Yum!
9. Kilwins Taking Your Life Savings Plus A Little More.
Kilwins. Delicious, but $16 for 2 ice cream cones. That doesn’t even include the toppings, but regardless we still go back after every beach day.
10. Privileged Kids Frustrating The Heck Out Of You.
You just got a brand new Mercedes for your 16th birthday?? Cool! SUPER. Cool!