College Life

20 Signs You’re From Vermont

Eating excessive amounts of Ben and Jerry’s and owning at least three plaid shirts are just a few of the things that people from Vermont do on the regular. If you have lived in Vermont, you can definitely relate to these signs that you’re from mountains!

1. You own at least one pair of bean boots and a pair of Birkenstocks

2. You have at least three plaid flannels

3. You know someone who drives a subaru, or you are that person

4. Winter means two things – snow and skiing

5. You see someone wearing camouflage at least twice daily

6. You don’t pronounce your “t”s

7. Mountains are everywhere you look

8. You’re used to being stuck behind tractors

9. You eat Ben & Jerry’s on the reg

10. At least one of your friends has chickens

11. You’ve never been to In and Out, Shake Shack, Sonic, Chipotle or basically anything good

12. You have an art center in your town

13. You pass by cows and horses anywhere you go

14. What was popular in 2015 is popular now

15. When a celebrity visits the state it’s plastered on the news

16. Bernie Sanders has a cult following

17. You won’t eat fake maple syrup

18. You don’t wear a coat when it’s over 50 degrees

19. People think you live in Canada

20. You own a tie dye shirt

Share with someone who is from/lives in Vermont!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own!

Featured Image: weheartit


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