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10 Savory Salads You Have Never Had

10 Savory Salads You Have Never Had

From the typical lettuce based salads to the mayo covered salads and every salad in between, the list of salad recipes out there is huge. Why limit yourself to Caesar salads and potato salads? Check out these savory salad recipes to see just how creatively delicious salads can be!

1. Methi Salad

This salad originates in India and is delightfully flavorful. Methi, also known as fenugreek, is the bulk of this salad, but the flavor is in the spices used to make the dressing. Coriander, crushed roasted peanuts, chili powder, asafoetida, turmeric powder, mustard seeds, lemon juice, and oil are all tossed with the fenugreek leaves to create a unique and tasty salad.

Serve this salad as a side or as the main attraction. Whether for lunch or dinner, it will be a hit. Pair it with soup or throw in some paneer naan, a flat cheese bread, for a savory and healthy meal.


Get the full recipe at tarladalal.

2. Bacon Broccoli Tortellini Salad

Salads can have all sorts of things in them, and this one packs in some delicious ingredients. After cooking a typical package of refrigerated cheese tortellini, mix together mayonnaise, red wine vinegar, and sugar for the salad dressing. Then, stir together the tortellini, broccoli, bacon, tomatoes, carrots, and onions. Toss these with the salad dressing and refrigerate for a hardy salad.

This salad is a great side item for a summer cookout, or eat a bowl for lunch! However you choose to enjoy this delicious salad and whoever you choose to share it with, everyone will want seconds.


Get the full recipe at Flavor Mosaic.

3. Hawaiian Macaroni Salad

Macaroni salads are already good, but this macaroni salad recipe takes it to the next level. Along with the typical ingredients like mayonnaise and celery, this recipe adds ham, pineapple, and sliced green onion, giving it a totally new flavor complimented by brown sugar. All you have to do is cook the macaroni noodles, let them absorb some vinegar, and mix in all of the remaining ingredients.

This is the perfect dish for any event, as the sweetness will appeal to most. Just make sure to prepare it for about a day in advance because it needs some time to cool.


Get the full recipe at Gonna Want Seconds.

4. Winter Salad

Though these salads are based on fall and winter harvests, you can enjoy this salad any time of year, as long as you can find the ingredients. The ingredient list includes red potatoes, butternut squash, baby kale, sweet onions, green beans, golden raisins, and toasted almonds. The squash and onions are cubed and roasted, the potatoes and beans are boiled, and the raisins are rehydrated in warm water. These ingredients are tossed with kale and toasted almonds, then coated with a dressing of red wine vinegar, salt, olive oil, and more toasted almonds.

These are fantastically filling salads packed with nutrients. Eat this salad as a main course or pair it with a roast. The sweetness of the raisins and onions and the hardiness of the potatoes and squash make this salad a great meal to get you through your day.


Get the full recipe at Today.

5. Salmon Salad

You may have had salmon salads before, but this recipe adds a few new ingredients that make it even more savory. First, cook some macaroni or penne, then once drained, mix in cooked salmon, hard-boiled eggs, cheddar cheese, grape tomatoes, scallions, sweet gherkin, pickle juice, celery, mayo, and dill. The result is a phenomenal cold salad that goes above and beyond tradition.

This salad is great any time of year for any occasion. Whenever you get a fish craving, toss together this salad and enjoy the textures and flavors of this savory dish.


Get the full recipe at Food.

6. French Salad

There are variations of French salads, but this recipe is a mostly fruit salad with some unexpected ingredients. It is easy enough to make; simply cut up some apples, pineapple, pomegranate, pears, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, and olives in a bowl. The real twist is the dressing. Mix the prepared ingredients with mayonnaise and ketchup, and the salad is ready to go.

The recipe recommends this salad for any meal, even breakfast. The mayonnaise and ketchup help bring out the natural flavors of the raw fruits and veggies, helping you enjoy every nutritious bite.


Get the full recipe at Yummykit.

7. Bread Salad

These salads are pretty cool because you make your own croutons out of bread. Using either Italian or sourdough bread, cut it into large cubes and load them down with cooking spray. While these bake for about 10 minutes, mix together olive oil, vinegar, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and cannellini beans. Once your bread is cooked, toss it in with the rest of the salad and enjoy!

The Mediterranean feel of these salads makes them great warm-weather treats. They can also be good salads to cozy up with, letting the crunchy bread warm you from the inside out.

See Also
Summery Foods You Should Try This Season

Get the full recipe at Mr. Food.

8. Papaya Avocado Salad

Yes, you read that right. Papaya and avocado seem to be unusual partners for salads, but they are almost entirely what this salad recipe entails. Diced papaya, diced avocado, diced jicama, and toasted walnuts are tossed together and topped with a light raspberry vinaigrette drizzle, forming this simple, yet distinctively savory salad.


The tropical ingredients of these salads scream summer. Throw it together in minutes and take it for your energy boost on your outdoor excursion, or enjoy it as an energy-boosting breakfast. Even as a side treat, these salads will surprise you with their goodness, both in flavor and nutrition.

Get the full recipe at Eating Well.

9. Cheesy Garlic Salad

There are a lot of surprises in these salads, and they all add up to one savory salad recipe. To start, lightly roast pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and melon seeds with a dash of peppercorn on top. Then, combine these with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, baby spinach, lettuce, and carrots. Toss with diluted cheesy garlic mayonnaise, top with radish slices, and eat up.


These salads are packed with flavors, and the cheesy garlic mayo only magnifies them. This is a very green salad perfect as a side dish to any meal or as a meal itself.

Get the full recipe at Nutralite.

10. Fig Spinach Salad

These savory salads have an exotic feel you will go crazy for. The base is baby spinach, topped with sliced roasted acorn squash, quartered fresh figs, candied pecans, blue cheese crumbles, and a dressing made from Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and honey. Drizzle the dressing over this delectable concoction and brace yourself for amazement.


Make these salads for your guests and watch their eyes light up after taking a bite. The sweet flavors will make this a favorite requested dish. As a side or a main course, this salad is sure to impress.

Get the full recipe at Dinner At The Zoo.

Which savory salad recipes are you tempted to try? Do you have any unique savory salads you cannot live without that didn’t make the list? Let me know in the comments below!

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