12 Roommate Struggles All College Students Can Understand

Having a roommate is a right of passage in your college experience. However, not all roommates are created equal. Sometimes the struggle is too real. Here are some unfortunately relatable roommate struggles that you might be all too familiar with.
1. Clear Communication
I think we are all guilty of not effectively communicating with our roommates at some point of time (even the two roommates that are attached at the hip). Communication is important in any relationship, but can be crucial when you are sharing a bunkbed. A word from the wise; giving subtle hints almost never works.
2. Personal Space
Even though you are allowed 5 square feet of personal space, those are yours dang it! When being invaded by unsuspecting socks and books that can come creeping over from the other side of the room, it can feel as if you wanna pitch a fit. Remember to remind your roomies to keep their belongs on their side of the line.
3. Annoying Habits
Do they have to chew so loudly? Or clip their finger nails right there? Sharing tight quarters with a roommate can really give you a glimpse of some of the annoying habits they have with no where to run. Maybe it’s time to take a walk.
4. Not Asking Before Using Your Things
When your personal items seem to be disappearing with no explanation and your favorite shirt ends up in their closet. Roomies sometimes have a hard time remembering that what’s yours is not always theirs. But seriously, it’s always better to ask before using things that aren’t yours.
5. Dealing With Hookups
College is the time to explore personal freedoms, and sometimes that involves a significant other. However, its not fun when you’re constantly becoming homeless because your roommate called dibs on the room for the night.
6. Figuring Out Routines
When sharing a room, sometimes routines can become a conflict. Scheduling can become a bit of a hassle and you feel like you are stepping on one another trying to get out the door. Remember hogging the bathroom is never endearing.
7. Study Habits
Must they really play music at high volumes? Or stay up all night, cramming for the next day test with the light on? Everyone has their own way of studying, but it doesn’t have to directly impact someone else. This is one of the toughest roommate struggles.
8. Uncompromising Personality
So you approached a problem like an adult, but they are unwilling to change their ways. Whether it’s cleaning up that bowl that is starting to grow its own ecosystem or constantly having friends over. It can be a struggle to maintain a healthy relationship with your roommate if they are unwilling to make some sacrifices.
9. Differences in Decor Taste
Your roommate loves all things frills and bows but you prefer simple and subtle. Compromising is key, but sometimes you really don’t want to look at that her posters of fairies anymore.
10. Sleeping Habits
Some roomies can sleep like the dead while others awake if someone drops a pin. Some need a fan on, while others need it quiet. College is stressful enough, no one needs to be sleep deprived on top of it. No one likes a cranky roommate.
11. Not Contributing
If your roomie brings the microwave, you bring the mini fridge. If she shares her pop tarts, you provide soda. No one likes a mooch. And if that kind of a relationship makes you feel uncomfortable, speak up! This is one of the worst roommate struggles.
12. Not Respecting Your Introvert or Extrovert Roomie
Even if you are best friends with your roommate, everyone has different needs in order to feel rejuvenated. Some roommates need to cuddle up with Netflix for a night while others go out and dance the night away. Not respecting each others personality is a sure way to be in a constant roommate struggle.