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10 Reasons To Be Excited For Game Of Thrones Season 8

10 Reasons To Be Excited For Game Of Thrones Season 8

Game of Thrones season 8 is coming! Here are all of the reasons that you should be super excited for the next season of GOT!

Game of Thrones season 8 is right around the corner! With the end of 2018 rapidly coming to a close and 2019 making it’s arrival soon, it is time to get excited for Game of Thrones Season 8! Though it is sad that this is set to be the final season, there is so many things to look forward to for this upcoming leg of the fantasy political drama. There is so many questions to be answered, character storylines to conclude, and secrets to be found out. Without further ado, here are the 10 reasons to be excited for Game of Thrones Season 8! **Spoilers ahead for those of you who haven’t caught up yet!**

1. Fight for the Throne!

With the revelation of Jon Snow’s real name, fans were left to wonder how this would affect the blossoming relationship between Jon and Daenerys. This is because Jon would now be the rightful heir to the Iron Throne as he is the last male heir of the Mad King. But we all know that Daenerys has gone through far too much to just gracefully give up the throne. So will there be a lover’s quarrel or will even more details be revealed that will change everything?! A baby perhaps?! I don’t know about you, but I am dying to find out. Pun intended.


2. What of Jaime Lannister?

At the end of Season 7, Jaime had finally had enough of the evil genius that is his sister,Cersei. After Cersei informed him that she had no intention of helping Daenerys and Jon in the war against the White Walkers, Jaime leaves Cersei at the Red Keep. But where does he intend to go from here? Does he go straight to the Wall? Does he contact Dani and Jon and let them know Cersei lied to them? Or will he ride halfway there only to realize that he can’t leave Cersei after all and returns to her side instead? I guess we will have to wait and see!

3. The Wayward Daughter Returns

The long awaited return of Arya Stark is bound to come this season! But will she return as herself or will she be wearing a different face? After doing an apprenticeship with Jaqen H’ghar, Arya might return with her new found skills to take revenge on the Lannisters. It is a possibility that she will use her new face changing ability to bring terror to her enemies. For instance, what would Cersei think if her beloved son, Joffrey, happened to walk into the Red Keep again with the intention to kill her? Just another reason to get excited about the eighth season!


4. The Fallen Dragon

At the end of last season, the Night King killed Daenerys’ beloved dragon, Viserion and turned him into a White Walker! This, by far, was one of the most shocking things to happen last season. With a dragon on their side, the White Walkers would be even more difficult to defeat. This will probably lead to more character deaths that will leave us huddles in a corner crying because we know there is no way they could come back next season. There is the small possibility that Daenerys might be able to get to Viserion to remember her, but how will that play out?!


5. Bran’s Visions

There have been fan theories out there for some time that imply that Bran is the Night King or that he somehow influences events that we have seen come to fruition on the show. With that said, is Game of Thrones Season 8 where we find out all of this has been a dream? Or is this where everyone realizes Bran must die in order to stop the madness? I hope the latter isn’t true because this would make me extremely sad. Here’s a better theory, Bran figures out a way to stop everything from coming to a disastrous end!

6. Tyrion and Bronn-Frenemies?

This was a bromance for the books! Tyrion and Bronn were like the Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart of Westeros, but once Tyrion fled from King’s Landing after being accused of Joffrey’s murder, things got complicated. Tyrion became the Hand of the Queen to Daenerys Targaryen. Bronn, on the other hand, became bosom buddies with Jaime Lannister after he was enlisted by Tyrion no less, to help his brother learn to fence with his remaining left hand. After not defending him against the Mountain in the trial for Joffrey’s murder, the two say goodbye to each other and while they have crossed paths again since then, once is left to wonder if this dynamic duo will reunite again. Are you excited for Game of Thrones Season 8 now?!


7. Varys The Vindictive

Lord Varys has had incredible luck in surviving the Game of Thrones. I guess it’s not fair to call it luck, considering  that his survival has been a result of his many clever double crossings of almost everyone he has come in contact with. Something that will surely be an exciting story line for the eighth season is to see how Varys will conclude his story line. Last time we saw him, he was still loyal to Daenerys. However, Varys has a tendency to support those who benefit his plans. So will he end up betraying Daenerys once he feels she will lose the war? Will his loyalty return to the Lannisters? Will someone kill him? Stay tuned to find out!

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8. The Showdown

Ever since the Hound came into the story line as someone other than the harsh guardian to Prince “Pain In The Butt” Joffrey, his story line has peaked my interest. Having prevented Sansa from getting raped to assisting Arya on her journey to be reunited with her now-deceased family (I won’t expand to spare feelings, but I’m still salty about the Stark deaths!), the Hound has shown potential to become one of the good guys in this tale. On the other side of his story line, however, could be the tragic showdown between him and his brother, The Mountain. As most will remember, The Mountain is the reason The Hound’s face is burned. You could imagine the number of pent-up feelings and resentment present in this relationship. But who will reign supreme in this showdown?


9. Samwell Tarly, Storyteller

Last season, Sam Tarly was studying at the Citadel, trying to find a way to stop the White Walkers. Fans eagerly await to see how the story will resolve and Sam is a big part of these fan theories floating around. One such theory claims that Sam wrote the entire Game of Thrones series a la Bilbo Baggins. Though I find this unlikely, it will be interesting to see how Sam Tarly plays a role in the triumph or demise of Westeros. Excited for Game of Thrones Season 8 yet?

10.Brienne of Tarth and the Greyjoys

Season 8 is sure to bring some of the supporting characters’ story lines to the forefront. The Greyjoys have gone through some hardships throughout the series and it would be satisfying to see them be on the winning team in the end, especially poor Theon. As for Brienne, she has always shown loyalty to those she serves and I really want her to be happy in the end. The romantic in me wants her and Jaime to end up together, though I don’t think that is likely. I guess I won’t know until the season premieres. If you’re not excited for Game of Thrones final season now, I don’t know what to tell you.


Are you excited for Game of Thrones season 8? Tell us in the comments!
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