Categories: Recipes

10 Quick Oats Recipes To Get You Through Fall Semester

Overnight quick oats are an amazing thing and I would like to personally thank whoever started this because it’s the easiest breakfast you can make. These are some of the best overnight quick oats recipes that will definitely get you through your 8 a.m. lectures and finals week.

Before we get into the list, there is a base recipes that all the other recipes build off of. This base is 1 cup of oats, 1-1.5 cups of liquid (almond milk, soy milk, yogurt) and 1 teaspoon of a sweetener. You can adjust these amounts to your own liking but just to get started, there you are!

1. Chocolate Peanut Butter

This first recipe is for all my Reese’s lovers out there! When you finished with the base, add in 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and either a tablespoon of chocolate sauce or throw in some chocolate pieces, or do both I will not judge you.

2. Apple Pie

This next of our overnight quick oats recipes is a lot simpler than it sounds. For the apple pie overnight oats, you’ll just need to add 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, 1/3 of a diced apple and 1 tsp of cinnamon.

This recipe will definitely have you feeling those fall vibes while you trek to your morning classes.

3. Nutella

This is one of the more simple of the overnight quick oats recipes, because for this one you go ahead with the base recipe and then you just plop some Nutella in the jar with it. Plop as much or as little of it as your heart desires, but once you do then you’ve got yourself some Nutella overnight oats.

4. Peanut Butter and Banana

This recipe is pretty similar to the first one of the quick oats recipes on the list. You get going with your base recipe and add in 2 tablespoons of peanut butter.

The difference in this recipe is that instead of adding chocolate sauce you will be cutting up half a banana and throwing that in your jar.

5. Berries and Cream

This is one of the classic flavors when it comes to overnight quick oats recipes. This berries and cream quick oats is made by adding 1/4 cup of cut-up berries and using vanilla yogurt along with the usual liquid. You might be thinking that this seems a lot like a parfait, and you are correct!

6. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

This recipe is one of the quick oats recipes that just seem to be slight variations on other recipes. This one is similar to the peanut butter chocolate chip recipe.

For this recipe, you will use half the amount of peanut butter, add a tablespoon of Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring. Make this, and your stomach won’t be grumbling in class all semester!

7. Peaches And Cream

This recipe is definitely a variant of the berries and cream recipe however, as the name suggests, you will be replacing the berries with peaches in this recipe. With this recipe, you could also add in some vanilla flavoring and cinnamon to make it taste more like a peach cobbler!

See Also

8. Strawberries and Banana

This is definitely another classic in our list of overnight quick oats recipes so I’ll keep it simple for you. For this recipe, you start with the base and add in 1/3 of a banana and a handful of cut up strawberries.

If you’re really pressed for ideas and time this one will definitely work out for you.

9. Cold Brew

This next one is for all my caffeine addicts out there! For these cold-brew-flavored quick oats recipes, you’ll start with the base recipe and add in 2-3 tablespoons of your favorite cold brew. This recipe is a great way to get your morning buzz and some nutrition at the same time before hitting up the library before a last-minute study session.

10. Mocha

This last one of our overnight quick oats recipes is an addition to the previous one. For this recipe, after adding in the cold brew, through in a tablespoon of chocolate sauce or a handful of chocolate chips to kick up the flavor a notch!


Have you tried any of this recipes before, or do you have some of your own to get through the semester? Let us know which one is your favorite in the comments!

Feature Image Source:
Raquel Robinson

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