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30 Questions To Ask On A First Date

30 Questions To Ask On A First Date

Everyone loves a good game of 20 questions or Would You Rather, so why not bring the fun to your next first date? Don’t worry, these aren’t the boring, generic getting-to-know-you questions that you have to answer at awkward social events. These questions to ask on a first date should be really telling of whether you’re going to have a second date.

1. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

It’s important to tell the fire and ice people apart.

2. What was the happiest moment of your life (you can only pick one)?

This will tell a lot about what they find memorable. It will also tell if they have a very good memory for detail or not.


3. What is one really quirky thing about you?

There’s nothing better than meeting someone who makes your quirks look normal.

4. What is your favorite swear word to say?

This one could lead to a pretty damn interesting conversation.

5. Do you believe that the moon landing actually happened?

You’ll find out real quick if you’re out with a conspiracy theorist, and if you are, just how dedicated they are to being one.



6. Are you an extrovert, an introvert, an extroverted introvert, or an introverted extrovert?

There needs to be more than two options.

7. Sunny days or rainy days?

For when you have to resort to talking about the weather.


8. If you could choose any celebrity to go skydiving with who would it be?

This will be much more interesting and insightful than knowing which celebrity is on their free pass list.

9. If you were a U.S. state, which one would you be and why?

We all know what dating a person with a North Dakota personality means.

10. Are you close with any of your grandparents?

You can tell a lot about how important family is to a person who takes the time to sit and talk with their grandmother.


11. Do you believe in the legitimacy of calling “shotgun”?

You don’t need the type of negativity in your life that comes from people who don’t respect the rules of calling “shotgun” when getting into a vehicle.

12. What’s your idea of the perfect day?

It’s always a great experience to watch someone’s face light up while they talk about what they love.

13. What’s your favorite way to eat eggs?

Most people are scrambled egg people. If you want to find a unique one you should date a hard boiled egg person.


14. How many times have you seen your favorite band in concert?

Taste in music can either bring you closer together or tear you apart.

15. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

Is their idea of an adventurous date going skydiving or taking a walk to the park?



16. Would you rather watch a movie or read a book?

This question allows for tons of follow-ups. What’s their favorite movie? What’s their favorite book? How often do they read? What genres do they like?

17. Do you have any pets?

What kind of pets are they? Do they consider themselves to be a pet parent? This is one of those classic questions to ask on a first date.

18. Do you have any superstitions?

Superstitions are just as interesting to find out about as conspiracy theories–see question 5.


19. How does art make you feel?

Similar to music, opinions about art can lead to a great bonding conversation.

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If you have ever had casual sex you know there are varied emotions that proceed and follow it. Here is my experience with it and how I felt after.

20. How long have you been friends with your best friend?

This will reveal if they know how to be loyal to someone for the long-haul.


21. What toppings do you like on your pizza?

Some people have very strong feelings about whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not.

22. Do you consider yourself to be spontaneous?

In many relationships a gap of spontaneity exists between both people.

23. Do you have any traditions you uphold?

You might as well know what traditions you’ll be getting yourself into if you continue a relationship.


24.  Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

These two places speak to very different types of souls.

25. Which television character do you identify with?

Are you dating a Michael Scott or a Phoebe Buffay?

26. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t yet?

Guitar, bird watching, dancing, unicycle riding, calligraphy–the possibilities are endless.


27. How connected are you to your phone?

Although, you may already know the answer to this question based on how much they used their phone on your date.

28. Do you believe more in luck or fate?

Listening to another person’s philosophies is a great way to expand your mind.

29. How do you relax after a long day?

Because who they are in their down time is just as much a part of their personality as who they are out on dates or while socializing.


30. What’s your personal motto?

This one could be really fun or really serious, but either way it reveals creativity.

What are your favorite questions to ask on a first date? Comment below!
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