15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At Ole Miss Tomorrow

Everyone knows that Ole Miss has the most beautiful campus all year round! These pictures of Ole Miss will make you want to apply tomorrow as if you haven’t already!
1. In my opinion, Ventress Hall is the most beautiful building on campus!
I am a little bias because it is the College of Liberal Arts and I am an English major, but it is still so pretty in this picture!
2. Oxford sunsets are the best!
Who wouldn’t want to see this every night?
3. Of course I can’t leave out this pic of Manning Way.
It is like nature knows the importance of Manning Way.
4. You will hear these bells ringing a lot while on campus!
You’ll hear them all the time while walking to and from class, getting food, going out…the will become a part of your life.
5. Can’t write this article without putting the Vaught up on display.
This sunrise at the Vaught is breathtaking!
Who else misses Trash Can Fridays?!
7. Another sunset picture..
What can I say? Sunsets are the prettiest at Ole Miss, and this picture is featuring the infamous Ole Miss water tower!
8. Phi Mu Fountain
This is the perfect spot to take a study break between classes!
9. Winter at Ole Miss
The campus is still beautiful in the snow!
10. The Pavilion
Games in the Pavilion are so much fun!
11. Another Vaught Pic!
If you’re a football fan, this picture shows the perfect college football atmosphere for you!
12. Another beautiful sight on campus!
You won’t get bored walking around campus because there are so many things to see just like this!
13. The Grove
The Grove on game day, A.K.A. one of the most beautiful sights on campus!
14. Graduation!
Sending this pic your way so you can dream about your future!
15. The Square
The Square during Christmas time is my favorite! Even off campus it is still a beautiful place to live!
What are your favorite pictures of Ole Miss? Comment below!
Featured photo source: instagram.com
Emily is leaving her hometown of Keyport, NJ to study English 18 hours away at Ole Miss. Her favorite things include Grey's Anatomy, food, sleeping, and reading, and her least favorite thing is the beach. She would like to make a huge shout out to the people that kept her sane for the past 18 years; you know who you are.