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5 More Low-light Succulents for Dorm Decoration

5 More Low-light Succulents for Dorm Decoration

So, it seems my previous list of dorm plants, succulent or otherwise was not enough. In that case, here are 5 more low-light, low-maintenance succulent plants for your dorm.

1. Aloe

Aloe Vera is a classic succulent and a good dorm plant for beginners. Aloe tends to thrive in bright, indirect sunlight, but will survive pretty well in dimmer indirect light as well. If you have a pet, you might want to keep them away from this plant, as while the gel contained within aloe leaves is useful as a topical medicine it can cause indigestion if eaten or even be toxic if consumed in large quantities. As a succulent, Aloe tends to thrive in dry conditions, so you only need to water it once every two-ish weeks. Overwatering is a concern with this plant, so you should make sure only to water it when the soil is fully dry. Aloe can also become dehydrated if exposed to a lot of direct sunlight, so if the plant is in direct light for a long time, make sure to water it slightly more. If you somehow manage to get the absolute perfect conditions, maybe your Aloe plant will flower, but this is generally unlikely with a houseplant aloe. 


2. Bear’s Paw.

Our next dorm plant is one of the most adorable succulents on the market Cotelydon tomentosa, or Bear’s Paw plant. This small succulent gains its common name from the shape and fuzzy texture of its leaves. As will become apparent with this list, many succulents have similar care needs, such as bright indirect sunlight and infrequent watering. Aside from overwatering, the main threats to your Bear’s Paw plant are insect pests, such as mealybugs. However, these pests can be dealt with relatively easily, and probably won’t be much of an issue for you. These little succulents don’t need much fertilizer,  so you don’t really need to worry about that angle. Another major threat to succulents is the cold, but if you plan to keep it inside as a houseplant, that shouldn’t be much of an issue either. When it comes to soil, they like slightly sandy and well-draining soils the most. As I said before, overwatering is a major threat, and will damage this plant very easily. Overall, Bear’s Paw plants are easy to take care of, very pretty, and their unique appearance can act as striking addition to any dorm decor. 

3. Hoya. 

Our third dorm plant is the Hoya, or Wax Plant. Hoya is technically a genus of plant with many varieties and even more cultivars. They are slow-growing, vining plants native to the tropical regions of Asia. Personally, I recommend the “Krimson Princess” cultivar, as it is tolerant of dim and indirect light, but most cultivars have very similar needs. Hoya are tropical plants, meaning they like warm environments. You should try to keep your Hoya plants away from air conditioning vents or places that can be drafty, as the plant will stop growing if it gets too cold. Humidity shouldn’t be too much of an issue, as Hoya grow just fine in standard household humidity, but more humid environments might encourage growth. In terms of fertilizer or plant food, a general-purpose liquid plant food should work just fine, but make sure to only use this plant food while the soil around the plant is wet. You should apply this plant food at half-strength once every month during the spring and summer, and not at all during the winter. Do not overwater, overfeed or allow your plant to become too cold, and it will grow and survive just fine. 


4. Jade Plant. 

Our fourth dorm plant is the Jade Plant, a small, long-lived, tree-like succulent native to Southern Africa. Like most succulents, the Jade Plant is very low-maintenance and a great plant for beginners. When kept as a houseplant, you should make sure that you keep the Jade Plant away from doors and windows during the winter months, as cold air can cause the plant to lose its leaves. Another danger is over or under watering of the plants. In the spring and summer, you should wait until the soil is mostly dry before watering, and until it’s completely dry during the winter. Like most succulents, Jade Plants prefer bright, indirect light, and do not need much in the way of fertilizer. They grow slowly, but are long-lived and will actually flower once they reach maturity. When watering a Jade Plant, it’s advised to not let any water splash on the leaves, as this humidity could harm the plant. The main threat to these plants aside from improper care are mealybugs and scale insects, which can be easily dealt with. Overall, Jade Plants are elegant and resilient plants that can add life and flair to any room they’re placed in. 

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Here are a few examples of Loyola University Maryland dorm rooms to give you some decor inspiration to achieve the room of your dreams while at school.


5. Crown Cactus. 

For our final dorm plant, we have another whole-genus entry. Rebutia, or Crown Cacti, are a genus of small, hardy and beautiful cacti native to Bolivia. One of the great things about Crown Cacti is that they bloom fairly regularly, with bright red or yellow flowers sprouting from the base of the main Cactus. These Cacti are exceptionally hardy, and resist most diseases and blights not caused by overwatering. Unlike all other plants on this list, these cacti thrive in direct bright light, but you can keep them in the shade if it seems the light is too harsh for them. In terms of soil, they like fast draining soil mixes, and a gardening supply store probably has a “cactus mix” that is ideal for them. Crown cacti will propagate often, forming small, lively-looking clusters of smaller cacti around the main plant. When it comes to watering, you should only water the cactus once the soil around it is almost dry, to prevent overwatering and root rot. In winter, you can be even more stingy with the watering, but water the plant deeply when you do water it, and make sure to avoid extreme heat or cold. If you can successfully care for this cactus, you’ll have a cute little desktop plant that can add a vibrant splash of color when it blooms. 


Let us now what your favorite dorm plants are. We’d love to hear them. 

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