City Life

10 Memories Of Growing Up In Massillon, OH

Growing up is hard and leaving home to go to college is even harder. I know since I left my hometown behind, I’ve missed every second of everything that I used to take so much for granted. Here are 10 memories I (and everyone has) when growing up in Massillon, OH!

Massillon is full of rich tradition and we wouldn’t have it any other way. From catching lightning bugs as the sun set to Friday night football games there was always something to do that would stick with you for a lifetime.

1. Tour of Schools

I know personally I always loved when the choir and the band would tour the schools. First off, we’d get out of class, but we also got to enjoy the awesome music and talent of the older kids that most of us inspired to be like one day. Being exposed to this as a young child helped so many students find who they were as we grew up.

2. Reservoir Park

So many of my summers growing up in Massillon, OH were filled with going to Reservoir park. Feeding ducks, walking through the shallow stream, and playing on the waterfall. It was the best place to connect with nature and friends.

3. Last day of School Fun

It was always a privilege and an enjoyable time to be able to walk with your entire class to eat ice cream or hang out on the swings. You were always bound to make great memories in the scolding intense heat, signing yearbooks and making summer plans with friends.

4. Cruise on in and Dance Show

Thousands of people, live music and fun food, and awesome vintage cars. Going to the Cruise on in and Dance car show was always an exciting time for families and friends growing up in Massillon, OH. Not just for car enthusiasts.

5. Holiday Parade

Another great memory are the Holiday parades. Getting to see the swing band, cheerleaders and dance companies make their way down Lincoln Way. Then, the big finale was Santa on a huge sleigh. Even though most years it was below 30 degrees when everyone in the community got together to celebrate the holidays, everything became so bright and cheery.  

6. First Pep Rally of the Football Season

No matter what age, I always remember the first pep rally of every football season growing up in Massillon, OH. There was a line of little girls dressed in cheerleader uniforms and little boys in football jerseys lined up to growl in the microphone to see who could do the best tiger impression. The football players, cheerleaders, and swing band would hype everyone up and then after everyone would have orange and black ice cream. Yummy!

See Also

7. Halftime Shows

Football is great but as a kid what you really want is for the halftime show. The halftime shows were always awesome. Filled with heart pounding music and best of all, a trip with your parents down to the side of the field to see the live mascot Obie the tiger cub.

8. Massillon McKinley Week

Not only do we have a pep rally for our biggest rivalry but a whole entire week of pride at school! The entire week is filled with themed days and amazing decorations fill the hallways. Hand down the best week of school every year!

9. Massillon VS McKinley Parade, Bonfire, and Game

A rivalry that dates to 1894. Massillon V.S. McKinley is one of the longest football rivalries in the nation and it is the biggest part of growing up in Massillon, OH. With the community getting together to throw a parade to showcase our love for our town and a huge bonfire afterwards it all builds up to a huge battle on the field. Not only do fight on the field but we also fight for charity. Seeing which community can get more in both a blood donation battle and a food drive.  

10. Being a Tiger

Most of all the best thing about growing up in Massillon is just being a tiger. We’re a community built on pride, love and tradition. Through the long years to come, wherever we may be, oh, Alma Mater Massillon, we’re true to thee. T-I-G!

What are some other memories of growing up in Massillon, OH? Share in the comments below!
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