Categories: Holidays

15 Memes That Scream “Happy Thanksgiving” For 2020

Question: it’s Thanksgiving, everyone is around the table stuffing their faces with potatoes and turkey and gravy and peas and anything else that might have been made. But then you start getting roasted out of nowhere. So you escape to the bathroom and need something to distract you. What do you turn to in this moment? Thanksgiving memes, of course!

Thanksgiving memes: a rarity in the online world, but a welcome respite for when turkey time devolves into another political argument at the dinner table. The best thanksgiving memes aren’t really even thanksgiving memes at all. Instead, a good thanksgiving meme will be applicable to any time, it just so happens to take place during the fall holiday, and it just so happens to be saving you from returning to the table at this exact moment.

If you’re looking for an escape from the table this year, look no further: check out these 15 thanksgiving memes that are perfect for any and all situations you might find yourself in this November.

For when you need a spirit animal to help guide you through this year’s family dinner

This is Becky. She will be your guide through the mountains of mashed potatoes and turkey legs you’ll be stuffing your face with this year. May she bless you with ample pumpkin pie and steer you away from your awful Uncle Marv and his stupid MAGA hat when he decides to start the political talks and soapboxing at the table this year. Keep Becky in your heart, and you won’t be wronged.

For when your mom gives you one responsibility to help with and you still mess it up

Really, it’s her fault for trusting you with anything at all. It’s almost like the woman doesn’t even know her own kid. Anyway, this is why the turkey is burned this year. Sorry.

For when the Toyota Sienna pulls up and your one homie jumps out

Give thanks for that one cousin. They always come through. They will be your one balm for the excruciating family gathering that you’ve both been forced to participate in. Hang with them, maybe sneak a drink or two, and it will all be over soon.

For when you try to relate to your cousin who’s studying classical composition at Ohio State

“Wow Lindsey, that sounds so cool. No, I don’t know what a Picardy third is. No, I didn’t know that parallel fourths are ok but consecutive fifths create monotonous and uninteresting compositions. Would you like some pie?”

For when your dad begs you not to get political at the dinner table again this year

To be fair, Uncle Marv started it. It’s always Uncle Marv…

But then that one cousin decides to start shit early

We haven’t even gotten to the table yet! Don’t think I haven’t come ready to counter your bullshit, Karen. You don’t want the heat, don’t come to the kitchen. (Wait, did I turn off the oven…)

For when the tension is broken with the greatest phrase in the human language

Oops! Well, time to find out.

For when you inevitably fail your one responsibility

The answer is: no, I did not turn off the oven. The turkey looks a little bit charred, and mom looks a little bit pissed, but it’s the season for forgiveness, right? It probably still tastes delicious. Maybe we can just cut around those burnt parts? Oh, that’s all of it… Oh well, let’s eat!

For when you need to assert dominance over your 12 year old cousins

“Yeah, Frozen II was fine, but have ever seen a little masterpiece by the name of Lilo & Stitch? I bet you’ve never even seen the original Mulan. Your mom got you a Disney+ account, we should watch it later. No, I don’t care if it’s 22 years old, it does not make me old. Shut up. I get to drink at dinner and you don’t. Who’s the cool one now, huh?”

…so they come back at you with the real stuff

See Also

You try to remember what your dad said: keep cool. Stay calm. Focus on your gigantic plate of sweet potatoes. Becky is in your heart. This is a positive atmosphere. Don’t clap back. Don’t clap back. Don’t…

…and then everyone thinks it’s time to pile on so you clap back

“Mom, she was asking for it! We all know damn well this is why we don’t have Thanksgiving at her house anymore!” It all had to pop off now, didn’t it? Well I’m not about to stand by and take it. 

For when you leave the table and start reading this article

Hey, you made it to the point in the article where we break the fourth wall together. Welcome! Just take a deep breath: the meal is almost done, soon everyone is going to be on the couch watching football and/or drinking heavily. Remember Becky. Connect with your spirit animal. You’re almost in the home stretch. Now get back out there.

But then you see some really good Thanksgiving memes and have to share them with someone

Teddy understands. He’s been the one living being around here who wasn’t eager to roast your ass the second you sat down at the table. That’s why you’ve been sneaking him pieces of turkey on the down low. He’s a good boy. And he appreciates your fire memes.

For when the realities of your life interrupt the football game

Taxes, work, coronavirus: who could watch a football game at a time like this?! Your existential dread grows with every first down marker, and you can no longer appreciate the fact that the Cowboys are getting their asses kicked (ok, maybe you can appreciate it just a little bit…)

And finally, for when you realize you can be your true self now that Thanksgiving is over

Tyler Golsen

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