You Need These 10 Things To Make Your Fourth Of July A Hit

The Fourth of July is right around the corner and that means you’re Fourth of July party is right around the corner as well. Whether you are a proud American or worried about where our country is headed, the Fourth of July is a day to celebrate the good parts of this country. Many of you will be hosting, co-hosting, or attending Fourth of July parties, so make sure you have or bring some of these things along so you’re Fourth of July is a hit.
1. Cookout Classics
One of the best parts of Fourth of July get-togethers, IMO, is the food; burgers, hot dogs, kabobs, corn, watermelon, pasta salad, themed desserts. Some of these food items are cookout classics, and that’s why they need to be at your Fourth of July party – not to mention, what’s more American than a grilled hotdog or burger?
2. Family
Growing up, every Fourth of July meant visiting family and having a big cookout with them. I loved it and would not trade those memories for the world. Any day that calls for celebration calls for quality time with those you love.
3. American Flag everything
This is an easy one and if you don’t have at least one thing American flag printed, you’re doing Fourth of July REALLY wrong. You could go all out with flag printed table cloths, plates, and napkins, red, white, and blue cups and streamers, mini flags and big flags hanging, honestly, I think you get the picture of what going all out for the Fourth of July means.
4. Friends
Just like holidays call for spending quality time with family, they also call for time with friends. Any get together wouldn’t be complete without guests, and friends and family make the best guests.
5. Yard games
Corn-hole anyone? Or why not toss around a baseball, in honor of America’s favorite pass time? Both are staples for every Fourth of July or summer get-together I’ve been to.
6. Bonfire
As the sun goes down, one of the best ways to wind down for the night, or continue conversations is by a bonfire. Plus, after a long day in the sun, it’s really relaxing.
7. Marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers
While you’re at the bonfire winding down, you may as well roast a marshmallow or two. Make some s’more’s! Or just eat chocolate. Roast a hot dog even, or make a hobo-pie – my favorite bonfire food to roast.
8. Pool or some sort of water games
All day in the hot sun can be, well, hot, so you definitely need a way to cool you and your guests down. If you have a pool, make sure it’s ready to go for your Fourth of July party. If you don’t have a pool, get some sprinklers, make a bunch of water balloons, and buys some squirt guns – in honor of the 2nd amendment – anything you can do to ensure your party doesn’t overheat and die out in the sunlight.
9. Music
Whether you bring stereo outside, Bluetooth speaker, or have friends and family who want to play some music, you definitely need it at your Fourth of July party. Music has a place everywhere, even if it’s just quietly in the background. Bonus points if you listen to the country music full of American pride.
10. Fireworks, at least some small ones
At the end of the night, more likely than not you’ll watch some sort of fireworks display, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also have some at your party. They don’t have to be anything extravagant or ridiculously dangerous unless you’re willing to take responsibility for them, but sparklers, pop-its, and other smaller fireworks are great options to add to your Fourth of July party.