5 Lighting Tricks to Help You Stay Focused While Working

Have you been trying to study recently and it’s just not working? You can’t stay focused and you’re losing concentration on the textbook you’re trying to read? We know the feeling. Have you considered that your lighting isn’t as great as it should be? Chances are if you’re in dorm room that the single fluorescent light the University has given you just isn’t working for you. I mean, they can’t even provide a cute lamp when you move in, so the lighting tricks are up to you to figure out. We often find that brighter is better. Luckily for you, we’ve gotten together 5 lighting tricks that you can use every day to help you stay focused while working!
Lamps are obviously one of the easiest ways to add more lighting to your room. Whether it’s your office, dorm, bedroom – wherever you work out of – lamps come in all kinds of shapes and sizes that we’re sure you’ll be able to fit into your space. Of course, every college student is immediately thinking about desk lamps. Desk lamps like the classic PIXAR logo are one of the easiest things that you can add to your working space to create lighting that is more focus friendly. Lots of the new-aged desk lamps that you can find in stores are bendable so that you can angle them in whatever direction you’d like. This means that you can point the light on the book you’re reading, the paper you’re writing, or even yourself just to get a little wake up call. Some of the desk lamps in stores nowadays even have outlets on them, so you could charge your computer, phone, or calculator while doing you’re work.
Floor lamps are another great way to add more lighting to your room. Not all of these can be angled exactly where you’d like them to point, but they add more lighting to your room overall. Adding a floor lamp is one lighting trick that can double the amount of light that is already in your room. If the fluorescents just aren’t your favorite thing about your room anymore, this is one super easy way of changing how much lighting is entering your room.
Opening the Blinds
Opening the blinds probably seems like an obvious lighting trick to a lot of us, but you wouldn’t believe how much light gets blocked out throughout the day by your blinds being closed. We all know about sunrise and sunset, so why aren’t we at least opening our blinds for the brightest parts of our days. If you’re spending your afternoons in your room trying to focus on work that isn’t getting done, you can always try opening your blinds for some healthy natural lighting to help you stay focused on the work you’re doing.
LED Lights
We know that LED strips have become a living trend over the last few years. Ever since TikTok showed you just how easy it was to light up your room whatever color you wanted – you just can’t stop. LED lights are a cheap and easy way to spice up the lighting in your room. Amazon has many options for ordering strips of many sizes and colors, but maybe a blue-lit room isn’t helping you make the adjustment from high school to college. Your dorm being lit up a pink probably isn’t going to help you stay focused while working, so we recommend using some of the other settings available. There are a couple of different white lights to choose from on LED strips. You can usually choose between natural light, a more yellow-toned light, and bright white. Try some of these lighting tricks out to switch it up from your colorful room and help yourself by getting more focused on your work.
Mirror Lights
Chances are if you’re in a dorm room, your space is fairly limited. You of course have the option to work in a study room, the library, or anywhere else on campus – but who doesn’t live the comfort of their own room? If you, like many others, choose to study mostly in your dorm room, then think about your furniture. It’s highly likely that your university-provided desk has also been doubling as your vanity since the beginning of time. Sound familiar? Then, this lighting trick is for you! Modern day technology has made it easy to put lights on anything – whether your mirror itself lights up like many do, or you have attached new lighting to your mirror on your own, these lights are right in front of where you are probably working. These lights are usually quite bright – as to not mess up any makeup – so why not try switching them on while you’re doing your work. Having bright lighting is incredibly effective in keeping you focused while working. This lighting trick is one for the girls (and any makeup connoisseurs) who are looking for something to help them stay focused that they won’t have to go buy some new contraption for. This lighting trick is already at your fingertips! Go ahead and try it out!
Going Outside
We talked about the importance of natural lighting earlier, but let’s reiterate it! Natural lighting is one of the simplest ways to get a different approach on your work lights. Opening the blinds in your room is step one – but completely going outside and doing your homework in the center of nature can not only be calming, but help you stay focused. Leave your phone inside and take a stroll to your nearest bench, lay out a hammock, or simply sit in the grass. Whatever of these sounds the most appealing to you – do it! The sun is shining and waiting for you to take advantage of it! This lighting trick is just one of many that you will fall in love with. It brings a whole new appeal to sitting down and doing homework!