
5 Life lessons I Had Learned By The Time I Turned 20

Turning 20 is kind of a weird thing. You’re an adult, but not a proper adult, if that makes sense? You’ve probably been through a fair bit before hitting 20, and you’ve still got a fair bit to go through. We learn a lot in our lifetime, and today I ‘m gonna share with you 5 little life lessons I’d learnt by the time I’d turned 20.

1. Not everyone is going to like you

Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s okay. This is big one to learn, since it can be hard to think that someone doesn’t like you. But you’re not always going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay because it’s much better to be surrounded by people who genuinely like you, rather than people who are just pretending.

2. Money is a factor in everything

As you get older money will always factor into everything, even if you don’t realise it. It even factors in your friendships, and can even put a strain on it, because as you mature it’s a lot more common to hang out with friends by going for coffee, or a meal. The one thing to remember is to not let money define you. Oh, and always remember these life lessons and to budget, and don’t live beyond your means!

3. Friendships don’t last forever

Speaking of friends, not every friendship is made to last. This can be a really hard lesson to learn, but it’s an important one. Friendships can end because of so many things, from a huge fight to just simply growing up and drifting apart. The thing to remember about life lessons is to try to not harbour negativity towards your old friend, just remember the good times you had together and enjoy the memories.

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4. Long term relationships take work

It’s so easy to believe that everything will be plain sailing when you’ve met the person you think is ‘the one’. But the thing is, it’s really not. Relationships take a hell of a lot of work, and there’s always points where it feels like could be easier to end it and walk away. But if you gave up at every bump in the road you’d get nowhere, and if you can work through your issues together as a couple, you’ll likely come out on the other side a lot stronger.

5. Everything works out in the end

I have stressed myself out, screamed and shouted, and cried myself to sleep over things in the past that I can’t even remember now. Everything eventually works out in the end, so just breathe.

We all learn more and more every day, and there will always be life lessons for us. I can’t wait to see the person that I am in another 20 years time, but right now I’m pretty proud of the person I am now, 20 years in.

Featured Image: Weheartit
Shauna Sanderson

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