Categories: Relationships

An Open Letter To Any Girl Who Hasn’t Found Mr. Right

Dear Friend,

Hi, my name is Sara and I almost gave up on finding Mr. Right. I entered college with never having a boyfriend. I also entered college tired of hearing the response, “You’ve never had a boyfriend? But you’re so pretty!” I would nod and smile and be like, “well thank you, now can you tell that to all the boys in the world.”


I remember at times I would be sad and go on and on to my best friend and roommate Diana about how I was going to be forever alone. Whenever I would go on one of my forever-alone rants she would always stop me and tell me the same thing. She would say that a pretty girl like me is going to find that perfect guy and…


Just because I had not found him yet didn’t mean he wasn’t out there.

When that didn’t work she would say, “you are probably one of those lucky girls whose first boyfriend will be the ‘one’ and you’ll fall in love, get married, and live that perfect life.” At the time I would shake my head and shrug it off. At that moment if you told me she would end up being right, I would have laughed in your face. Today, however, what she predicted turned out to be 100% true.

I met my boyfriend Justin my Sophomore year of college and now we will have been dating for two years. Meeting him was one of those things that, when I look back, makes me smile because I almost never thought that day would come.

I was working the first time I spoke to him.

I must have made him so nervous because when he gave me his number, he gave it to me incorrectly. The next time I saw him I asked why he didn’t text me back (such a girl move, I know). He then proceeded to say he never got it, and when he checked to make sure he gave me the right number, we discovered that the number was off by two digits. While it may sound cheesy and romantic, after that, the rest is history. He makes me the happiest I have ever been, which has made me realize that maybe the reason I never dated anyone else was because my friend Diana was right…Who knew!

See Also

Now you are probably thinking…

“Wow that’s great for you, but what about the rest of us?”

Girls are like apples on a tree (stay with me now). You are an apple at the very top and since no guys have climbed the tree to pick you, you may be starting to give up. But think of it this way – the guys that are going for the girls on the lower branches are simply not worth your time. One day a great guy is going to want more than the girls on the low branches and he is going to climb that tree to get to you. This guy knows that there is a perfect apple waiting patiently at the top of the tree and he knows that making the extra effort to get it to it is SO worth it. When a guy does that for you, you will know he is worth it too! So don’t give up, friend, Mr. Right will come!
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Sara Ruzevich

Sara Ruzevich is a senior sociology major and a member of Zeta Phi Kappa sorority. She is candy fanatic and hopeless romantic.

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