Categories: Home Decor

10 Lamps For Every Mood You Should Own

Lamps are great ways to set the mood. Other than being useful as a lighting source, lamps allow us to use another medium to express ourselves and are a great way to spruce up any space! Here are 10 of my favorite lamps to revamp your space!

Let there be light

Who said that lamps had to only be functional? Not only are these a great statement piece, but they will transport you into a wonderland where you can pretend you are sleeping under the stars! When you feel like everything around you is depressing and dark, you can literally surround yourself with light. Bring on the positive vibes!

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The more the merrier

If you want all the shine without the curtain attached, look into hanging lights that you can place along a wall. Maybe you are tired of looking at your plain wall and don’t want to just add a strand of lights along the top of the wall, so here is the solution for you. Some people have a statement wall that’s a different color, but you can have a statement wall of light!

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I’m not indecisive, or am I?

As a reader, I can’t tell you how many times I changed my mind about how bright I wanted the room to be when I read. Sometimes I wanted to shine the light directly on the book, others I would want to just have softer light above, and then I wanted both. If you are like me, this is the lamp for you. This lamp will give you the option to have whatever kind of lighting you desire, so flicker away, its okay if you change your mind!

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Everything is art

This lamp is for those of you who want for every aspect of your space to be a statement piece. This glowing tree is sure to add a touch of flare and could even act as a really cool night light if you so choose. This would be great for those who live to be around nature; lamps like this one will bring a little piece of the forest to you.

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If I could live in a coffee shop, I would

There is something to be said about lamps that are more rustic and have softer, yellow light like the ones you could find in coffee shops. They create this mellow atmosphere that can help relax you after a long stressful day. The last thing that you want is to be greeted by bright harsh light. Come home to these lamps and unwind with a nice cup of joe and enjoy the added benefit of not having to pay an extra five dollars for your drink.

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No one has time for that

Hanging lamps are cool and all, but I’m not trying to mess with the electric? Well, forget the ceiling completely and just hang it from the side of the wall! This is a great option for students. Since many dorm rooms do not allow for students to hang things from the ceiling, you can add the wooden piece of the light to the wall and still achieve the hanging lamp effect!

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Get you one that can do both

Many of us have seem the instagram goal pictures of string lights with pictures clipped on them, but in practice, it is hard to do. Not only do the clips have to fit on the string, you also have to space them perfectly. Is it possible to do? Yes. Are we to lazy to actually sit there and do it? Also, yes. These lights take out the hassle, so you can get back to things that are more important, like how you are going to explain why one of your friends is featured on your wall more than another.

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See Also

Backyard vibes

Lamps that can put you in a completely different frame of mind are the best! For me, lanterns make me feel like I’m relaxing on a backyard patio, sipping lemonade, while listening to “Before I let go” (Frankie Beverly or Beyoncé’s version, I’m not a picky girl). For you, lanterns might mean something different, but one thing that they achieve is lightening a place up, no pun intended. They symbolize a light, airiness that creates a sense of ease, and can truly fit any style.

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Must. Focus. On. Task.

For those of us that find themselves easily distracted, you need lamps that will force you to focus. This desk lamp is made so that it can be directed at a single object, so if you turn off all your other lights, the only thing that you will be able to see is your work. That won’t make the happiest you, but it will sure be a productive you!

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There’s something I’m forgetting…

For the times when you need positivity in your life, light up your room with the things that you need to see. It is so important to have positive affirmations, so what better way to do that than putting up a neon sign on your wall?

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Whatever lamps that you decide to buy, get some that will create the atmosphere that is best for you! Do you know of any cool lamps? List them down below!

Featured Image: Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
Chantel Kelly

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