iPhone vs. Samsung Galaxy S III

iPhone vs Samsung Galaxy S III – Part I
What is all the hub bub between these two devices? Take it from a geek at heart, you can go on and on about the features and screen sizes resolutions, etc. In the end it simply boils down to how well these devices perform overall. Recently, our friends at T-Mobile were kind enough to send us a Samsung Galaxy S III to our office. I was wondering whether this was for me to become a boomerang to T-Mobile (I was a T-Mobile customer for longer than I will mention here before I converted to the iPhone and AT&T wireless) or for us to test the device. So true to form, I called T-Mobile got a SIM card and activated the phone on a $2.00 a day prepaid plan.
At first, the Galaxy feels lighter and bigger, and you have options for everything. Do you like swipe typing? Do you want the screen to rotate? Do you want to load apps that are not on the Google Play store, on and on and on? Perhaps even more amazing is what happens once you’ve enter your Google account into the Android based Galaxy. All your contacts are automatically downloaded, your email is setup, and if you chose to download chrome than your browsers sync leaving you in familiar territory.
However that’s not to say the Galaxy doesn’t have its faults. It was easy to get frustrated over the number of misspelled words. Whereas the IPhone is so good at autocorrect the Galaxy leaves something to be desired. Luckily however, there is an easy solution to overcome my biggest concern. I found this keyboard app “SwiftKey 3” which is the perfect solution (Samsung please include this app as part of Galaxy software bundle your return rates will decline dramatically and if you have an Android phone this is one app you must buy.) After installing the keyboard app – I no longer had the feeling of frustration so I could actually use the phone.
After experiencing the Galaxy I am a believer. I will give credit to Apple. The iPhone works out of the box; it has the touch of Steve Jobs and it is magic – it works. You have to tinker with the Galaxy to get it to work. But once you get it to work it is equally magical, and dare I say better than the iPhone.