
If you are unsure whether or not an internship is for you, do your research. There are plenty of benefits of an internship that you should really consider.
10 Benefits Of An Internship And What I’ve Learned From Working For Free

I know that no one reading this wants to work for free but there is a…

Hello Summer! It's nearing that time of year again, and I think we can all agree it is much needed. But, with a nice summer break, also means a lot of free time. These three months provide the perfect opportunity to make some extra cash. Here are some great summer job ideas for college students.
20 Summer Job Ideas For College Students

Hello Summer! It’s nearing that time of year again, and I think we can all agree…

Internships are one of the most talked about topics on college campuses. Many colleges have career fairs that feature internship opportunities. Even if the internship is unpaid, there are many benefits that will be of value to you in the future. So, why get an internship? Read on for some convincing reasons.
Why Get An Internship? Here’s Some Reasons You Should

Internships are one of the most talked about topics on college campuses. Many colleges, including…

A Girl Boss takes charge of her life. These Girl Boss quotes are motivating. Sophia Amoruso quotes will strike the core and get you inspired. Be a girl boss
20 Girl Boss Quotes That Kick Ass

Let’s face it; women are pretty bad-ass. We are capable of anything; even when the…

Dressing professional, but trendy is the best way to make people take you seriously as an intern. Here are the 10 best places to shop for internship outfits
The 10 Best Places To Shop For Internship Outfits

Now that you’ve landed the position of an intern, it’s time you start dressing the…

First impressions are so important, especially when it comes to interviews. Here are 15 internship interview outfit ideas that are sure to impress!
15 Internship Interview Outfit Ideas For Any Creative Industry

Summer: the season of lazily tanning at the beach, family picnics eating juicy watermelon, tropical…

Do you see yourself being part of the fashion world? See the roles I got involved with this past fashion show season and how you can get involved too!
5 Different Ways You Can Get Involved In Fashion Show Season

Summer may be almost in full swing but some days I still daydream about the…

Figuring out how to build a resume can be hard, especially when jobs are so competitive. A resume website may be the solution and will help you stand out!
How To Build A Resume Website

Resumes. The word strikes fear and trembling in all college students alike. Do I have…

Looking for the perfect work outfit that shows your style and professional side? These online stores are the perfect places to start!
The 10 Best Online Stores To Shop For Internship Outfits

So, you absolutely nailed your interview and you got the job! Now what? Just because you…

The outfit that you wear to your internship interview is the first impression you give your potential employer. These are outfit ideas that will impress!
15 Outfit Ideas For Any Internship Interview

With preparing interview question responses, researching the company beforehand, and making sure you arrive 15…