Iced Coffee, Why are The Gen Z’s Obsessed

Iced Coffee, why is The Gen Z’s Obsessed? This is something that is a personal problem for me and plenty of my friends, but it goes much further than that. It seems like once a coffee shop opens another one follows quickly behind it, creating more and more of a demand for coffee, and with so many ways to drink it we have become obsessed with more than just the coffee, but the lifestyle that it creates.
Great Place to Network:
Coffee shops have quickly become a great place to network and meet new people, the atmosphere that most coffee shops today provide is more of a low-key, relaxed vibe that has current music playing at a focused volume and tons of seating for people to be able to work on homework or work that they have. When people are working on their work at a coffee shop, there is the possibility of trying to get a new set of eyes to see your work which allows you to network with the people around you and get their opinion. This has also made coffee shops a really popular place for employers to conduct job interviews, as this is a more casual setting and allows your employer to see you in real-time. But even just the exchange between the barista and the customer can be stimulating enough to want to come back and enjoy another coffee!
collaborationThe “Look” Coffee Creates:
Coffee and especially Iced Coffee have created a diverse platform of ways that people use coffee to benefit themselves. People in today’s world primarily young adults have made coffee become a “lifestyle” if I must say, waking up and grabbing coffee to discuss what happened the night before or even to recap with a close friend for a thirty-minute coffee run has become something that Americans do every day, especially college students. When you see a young adult with a coffee and their air pods, walking swiftly you just assume wow they are doing something important or have somewhere important to be. We see that here young adults use coffee as an excuse to catch up with friends and get the nitty giddy on what is going on in their lives, which in time creates an addicting habit of constantly wanting and spending money on coffee.
The Coffee LookThe Taste of Coffee and its Endless Combinations:
Coffee by itself doesn’t taste that great, and that is my opinion, particularly espresso. But when you add syrups and sauces and all of the different spices you will get something that you enjoy and will constantly crave. The most popular type of way to have coffee in America is to have it in a Hot Latte or Iced Latte way, most Lattes are made with Milk, Coffee, and or Espresso and the Syrups that you may choose to go with it. The top most popular coffee syrups according to my surveying students at Florida State are in descending order, lavender, rose, pumpkin spice, vanilla, caramel, white chocolate, hazelnut, and the most popular being simple syrup surprisingly. Starbucks is known for having an endless amount of syrups, which creates a huge and diverse menu for them as people today order hundreds of different coffee combinations every day.
Gives you the Boost of Energy:
One of the most popular things that coffee is known to do is give you that boost of energy that you need when you are feeling down. This is something that most people whether you are old or young use coffee for, when you wake up in the morning and need that extra boost of energy going to get coffee is one way to jumpstart your day. Caffeine is known to stimulate the nervous system which is why some people get jittery and anxious when drinking coffee, caffeine is also known to suppress appetites which is something that most people use in the morning so that they are not hungry until lunchtime. When you are constantly drinking coffee you are giving your body small amounts of energy that over time will cause you to fatigue and can create an issue in the long run.
Coffee and EnergyHelps your Metabolic Speed:
My personal favorite thing about coffee is the way that it speeds up your metabolism and allows you to use the restroom faster. This is something that people who have a slow metabolism like me can benefit from. Coffee is something that people can use to lose weight but in moderation and not the coffee that is loaded with sugars and syrups. For most people when you drink coffee within the first hour or second hour of drinking it you will feel the need to use the restroom, and this is because of the caffeine and how the caffeine affects your body. This is a great way for people who want to speed up their metabolism to do so, it creates a quick and easy way for you to not be as hungry during the day and be able to go when you want to go!
Coffee a Total Mood Booster:
When you are feeling down and nothing seems to be able to bring you up, drink some coffee. Coffee contains espresso which is known to give you energy because it has caffeine in it, when you drink coffee in the morning you will notice a boost in your mood and energy. When you ingest a coffee in the morning the Caffeine in the coffee is going to block the mood-depressing chemicals in the brain and allow the brain to experience a sense of euphoria and keep you the drinker in a positive mood. Since Caffeine is a stimulant it is going to make you feel more alert and energetic which is why people drink coffee when they are going to work so they have more energy and can handle all of their tasks the same goes for college students and homework and going to classes.
Healthy Mindset