I’m sure by now we have all heard of manifestation. But if not, manifestation is the practice of repeatedly thinking aspirational thoughts with the intention of making them come true. It entails creating thought patterns, obtaining a certain mindset, and affirming beliefs to attract what you want most into your life. For example, if you start every morning with saying “I am getting a promotion at work” then eventually you will get be getting that promotion. These phrases that you repeat every morning or anytime throughout your day are called affirmations. Affirmations are just one of the ways to manifest what you want into your life. Instead of saying “I hope this happens”, or “I will do this”, by saying “I am”, you are sending out a confident message to the universe that this thing that you want in your life will certainly happen, by following through with this affirmations, it will become true in your life. For those that are new to manifestation through affirmations, we will show you how to start in order to attract what you desire most into your life.
The first thing to know about affirmations is that you need to be clear about your intentions. When making an affirmation it is important to be very specific about what it is that you want. Instead of saying “I will do good in school” say “I am earning all A’s this semester”. By defining what you mean by doing good in school, it makes your affirmation more clear and stronger, adding to the chances of it coming true as long as you follow through with the other guidelines and recommendations to saying affirmations. Another thing to know is that you don’t want to set too many affirmations at a time, by doing so, it distracts your mind from being able to pay attention and focus in on each affirmation, causing it to not work or become real. Really focus in on what it is that you desire most at this time in your life. Next, we’ll show you how to write your own affirmations in steps.
When it comes to affirmations, the more specific it is to you and your mind, the better they are. You can look at examples of what other people’s affirmations look like to get an idea of how to create your own. But when it comes time to writing your own, curate them based off your own mind. Take the time to sit down and think about what it is that you want, and write your affirmations beginning with “I am” in your sentence. Affirmations can be used for all aspects of your life: love, relationships, career, self-love, and more. If you’re struggling with believing in yourself that you will reach a certain point in your life, affirmations are one way to become more in tune with your subconscious self to attract what is that you want in your life. Next we will lay out the steps of practicing your affirmations.
After writing your affirmations, choose just a few to really hone in on. If you have too many, your attention is divided amongst each one and there is less of a chance that your manifesting is working. Choose just a few to focus on and this will prove better results.
They say it takes seven days to make a habit stick. Keep that in mind when you begin making affirmations. Similar to remembering to take medicine, choose a time of day to repeat your affirmations. A good time to do so is in your morning routine. A morning routine is typically something people already have established, they stick to doing certain things in order each morning out of habit. You can easily add making affirmations to your morning routine to help you remember to say them.
Now that we’ve gone over the basics of affirmations, it’s time that we tell you how to go about actually saying the affirmations. It’s all about getting into a relaxed, focused mindset. Start by taking deep breaths, getting rid of any thoughts in your mind that will block you from focusing on your affirmations. Once you achieved this relaxed state of mine, it’s time to start to saying your affirmations out loud. You’ll want to say the affirmations actually out loud, this makes them more effective than just reading and thinking about it. Truly feel the positive vibes from the affirmation as if it were already true. Say your affirmations over and over until you feel the positive feelings flowing through you.
If you’re still struggling to come up with affirmations and need some ideas, here are some for you to base your own off of.
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