How to Have the Most Relaxing Night Alone

Sure, we all love to be with our friends and family, but sometimes we need some time for ourselves so that we can decompress. I believe that having a night in alone can be extremely rewarding and enjoyable! Picture this you get back to your apartment on Friday afternoon, and you have the entire weekend to relax and take time to take care of yourself! Alone time is just as important as spending time with friends and family some days. We need a couple of hours to ourselves. We are usually constantly surrounded by roommates, friends, family, coworkers, and strangers, so sometimes being alone can feel as though you are taking a deep breath! So if you decide to spend a night alone, I’m here to tell you how you can have the most enjoyable and relaxing night alone!
1. Alcohol
Who doesn’t like to start to unwind by drinking your favorite cocktail of choice? Let me tell you. There is nothing better than sipping on your favorite cocktail to create a relaxing night! Whether it’s opening a nice crisp bottle of Rosé or fixing up yourself a homemade margarita, this is a nice treat and something that can be enjoyed without any interruptions! So pour yourself a glass of choice and get ready to settle in for a relaxing night alone!
2. Movie/ Tv show
The perfect night alone must be paired with the perfect form of entertainment! So, pick out your favorite movie and watch it for the 20th time or find a new movie to watch and relax. Or for some of us, we may be big Bravo fans and enjoy watching all the trashy tv shows, so maybe your pick out your favorite franchise to catch up on. Or maybe you are way behind on the current tv series that you are obsessing over; use this night alone to catch up on your tv show! Having a perfectly selected movie or tv show accompany your night in will make for a perfect night of relaxing alone!
3. Takeout
Let’s be honest, if we are trying to relax, especially at the end of what could have been a long and stressful workday or week, then cooking is most likely not in the cards for tonight. So, on your way home, pick up dinner from your favorite restaurant to get takeout or have it delivered straight to your apartment. Ordering takeout will allow you to enjoy and relax your night in because you won’t have to worry about if you have specific ingredients to cook with or clean pots, pans, and dishes. Honestly, if you don’t want to clean anything, you can eat straight from your takeout containers and use plastic utensils to ensure that you won’t have to do any cleanup. Ordering takeout and picking out your favorite menu item also satisfies your current cravings with little to no cleanup. If you want a relaxing night alone, I recommend ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant.
4. Perfect PJ set
If you are trying to get relaxed, then you must be comfortable. To be the most comfortable in your night alone, you must wear your favorite pajama set! I recommend that you slip into your pajama set before you begin to watch your choice of movies or tv shows, just in case you pass out on your couch! There is no judgment here! Make sure that you change into your favorite pajama set to make sure that you have the most relaxing and enjoyable night alone!
5. Nighttime skin routine
Staying in and having some alone time is the perfect opportunity to ensure you get in a complete nighttime skin routine. A skin routine is ideal because it will allow you to relax, feel clean and be productive. Sometimes when we live a busy life and spread ourselves thin during the week, we often neglect things we shouldn’t. One of these things for me is my nightly skin routine. If I have had a long day or just returned from a long night out with friends, I often want to crawl into bed and skin my skin routine. So, I recommend taking advantage of the alone time by being able to complete your skin routine with ease and calm! Completing your nighttime skin routine is crucial to having the most relaxing night alone!
6. Snacks
Perhaps on your way home, I recommend stopping at a supermarket or drug store and picking up a few of your favorite snacks. If you have a sweet tooth, then this is a must! Treat yourself to your favorite candies to have the perfect viewing snacks for your movie or tv show! Trust me, sometimes it truly is the little things in life that allow you to enjoy a night in, and this just might be having the perfect snacks! If you want a fantastic night alone, I recommend stopping and getting some of your favorite snacks!
7. Comfy setup
Create a comfortable and relaxing setting in your home for your night alone! A comfortable setup could be lighting a candle, putting out a most comfortable blanket to cuddle with, closing your shades, and dimming the lights. Doing all these things will allow you to relax and enjoy your home. Maybe even crack open a window if it’s not too cold or hot to circulate fresh air! Anything you can think of will allow you to relax and enjoy your night alone!
I believe that following these seven steps will lead to one of the most heavenly nights alone. It is so important that we be with friends and family, but it is also essential to take a night every once in and while to be alone! We can’t always be going 100 mph! Take the time to catch your breathe and plan a night in alone once a month. This will allow for you to always have one night that you can catch up on some alone time and relax! So, take a step back and enjoy a night that will allow you to reset and relax!