With Summer around the corner we all want to get fit and have that perfect beach bod. But joining a gym can sometimes bring on way too much anxiety! Maybe you don’t like working out around others, you don’t have time in your day, or it’s just too damn expensive. Whatever the reason may be, this is how to get fit without joining a gym! These super easy solutions will save you the stress of going to a gym and still get you the beautiful bod you desire!
At home workouts are going to be your new best friend if you want to get fit without the gym! This can be a little complicated if you do not know exactly what to do with the lack of equipment or personal trainer telling you what to do. Well now you have one! And its free! YouTube provides thousands of videos to help you get fit right in your own living room. They provide several workouts, including cardio, that you do not even have to leave your home! And will get you guaranteed results! Some channels are better than others, but you just have to find a workout that works for you. These allow you to change up your workouts, watch someone do them to ensure you have the correct form, and they even have a timer so you do not have to count! You only have to focus on you! Most of the time you can get fit using just your own body weight, but some workouts recommend dumbbells. Pro tip: If this is not something you want to purchase for your at home workouts. You can use tin cans of food to give you some added weight! These videos are the number one way to get fit fast and to your desired amount.
Whether it is to class or work think of an alternate way to get there rather than sitting in your car, on a bus, or riding the train. Maybe you can wake up a little earlier and use that time to get your physical activity in. Ride your bike, walk, or even run to work and it will definitely make a difference in your day. If this is complicated for you because you work or go to school farther away, try changing your commute halfway. Maybe parking a mile or 2 from the office so you can get that bit of exercise in. If this still is not an option take a walk or jog during your lunch break. There’s no excuses! Just bring a backpack with some extra clothes and you are good to go! With some time and effort you can start your day off feeling and looking great!
This seems so simple. Well guess what? That’s because it is! Taking the stairs throughout your day is something so small that can make a huge difference. Anything that you can do to bring a little more activity in your day, do it! And yes, this means if you are taking several flights or just one. This has more advantages to it than you may think. No more awkward encounters with the one night stand you had with the guy from accounting, no more having to make small talk with your boss, and the best part? You can run up the stairs as fast as you want when you’re late rather than waiting for that elevator.
Did you know you could lose up 400 calories from bringing your groceries inside? Even more if you have to bring them up stairs! All of your house hold chores that you do everyday could help you burn calories if you do them enough! Even if you are finished with your chore, keep going! 15 minutes of a chore will burn a little bit of fat, but if you keep on vacuuming for an hour? Thats 170 calories right there! Making a little more time to do the chores you already have to make time to do can help you get fit because really any type of movement is going to help you get in great shape. All it takes is time and dedication!
Yoga is a practice that will help you increase your physical, mental and spiritual health. There are several types of yoga and yoga classes. The classes offered are different than going to a gym because there is a group of you being instructed to all do the same thing. You can even sit in the back if you feel more comfortable. Yoga can also be done right in the comfort of your own home for free. It can be found online or in books! However you access your yoga program, it is a sure fire way to get fit without having to go to a class to do it. Yoga builds strength and encourages cardio and is a great way to get fit and get your mind in a healthy and peaceful place.
Exercise will take you a long way, but you will only be cancelling all of your hard work out if you go home drink a gallon of coke, eat a large pizza by yourself, and finish off your night watching Law and Order eating out of the ice cream carton with a spoon. Thank god you took the stairs at work today though! Watching what you eat is going to help you get fit immensely. Having a good diet with all the vitamins and nutrients you need is going to help kick off your summer bod more than anything. Something else that is going to go a long way? Water! Drink up because drinking this is going to speed up your metabolism and really help you get fit.
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