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How to Deal With a Roommate who Loves to Party

How to Deal With a Roommate who Loves to Party

If you are someone who hates going out and you get stuck with a roommate who loves to party, it can quickly turn into a difficult living situation. Having a roommate who parties too much can cost you your sleep, your peace and quiet and even the cleanliness of your dorm room. Here are some steps to follow if you happen to have a roommate who’s a bit too party hardy.


Let your roommate know how her partying keeps you up because of the constant noise. It’s amazing how many issues like this can be settled with a quick and honest chat.

Set boundaries

Sit down with your roommate and develop a set of boundaries that work for both of you. Be reasonable and find appropriate compromises that you can both agree to for the rest of the year.


Make a schedule

If your roommate loves to party, chances are she’ll often go out on a whim. But, she also may know ahead of time particular nights she plans on going out. Ask her to make a schedule when she has prior knowledge of these “party nights,” so that you can both prepare accordingly.

See Also

Find a neutral party

If, for whatever reason, you are in a situation where you can’t get through to your roommate directly, talk to whoever is in charge of the housing department. Bringing in a neutral party might help resolve the situation.


If you can’t beat them, join them

Try accompanying your roommate on a night out. College is about being open-minded and trying new things. Who knows, you might enjoy it so much that YOU become to roommate who loves to party!
