Why Having A Vibrator Is Totally Normal For All Women

Vibrators, dildos, sex toys in general, are totally normal and (obviously) fun. While they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, “sex toys” have been around for what seems like forever. Look up or go to The Museum of Sex in New York City, they have displays showing old school vibrators, stone dildos, and all sorts of things people used to use before the modern sex toys were invented. Do you think having a vibrator is beneficial?
Don’t make something that’s supposed to give you pleasure, make you feel awkward
Having a vibrator is nothing to feel weird about. Having sex toys is more common than you’d probably like to know but it’s no one else’s business anyway. Having a vibrator or sex toy is actually a great way to get comfortable with yourself and what you like before getting into a situation with another person. It’s the best way to figure out your own body and it feels amazinggggg so why not?
The only reason people in general, not just women, feel uncomfortable about sex toys is because we’ve been taught that sex is such a secretive and almost dirty thing. Which it’s NOT! Women love and want sex just as much as any man, so we shouldn’t deprive ourselves of pleasure just because it’s not deemed acceptable. It’s normal. Get over it.
It’s normal because we say so
It’s normal because so many people do it, whether we openly talk about it or not, it happens ALL the time. No one really wants to think about other people masturbating or having sex, but it’s just a thing. It’s normal and fun and feels nice and no one else needs to know what you do if you don’t want them to.
It’s hard to really say “why” having a vibrator is normal. It’s hard to not be so general about it and just say “well everyone has one,” because obviously that’s not 100% true. However, I feel like it is safe to say that a lot of people have dabbled in a little self pleasure, that’s no surprise. I think it’s normal just because we say it is, because we’re trying to make it that way. People will never be totally open about their sex lives or what they themselves do behind closed doors, but just knowing that other people are out there doing the same things makes people feel less awkward about it.
Women like sex. Women want sex. This shouldn’t be some taboo thing anymore. Having sex toy, whether you’re male, female, or don’t identify as either, shouldn’t be a cause for embarrassment. It’s fun! What someone does to their own body for fun and pleasure should be no one else’s concern.
Buy that vibrator, bitch! You know you want to! Even if you only break it out every once in a while, it’ll still be worth it. There’s no downside to purchasing one, so just go for it! Owning a vibrator is normal because we say it is, because we are taking away the stigma and the awkwardness around female masturbation.
Fuck whoever told you it was gross or wrong or weird or “not ladylike,” they don’t know your life! Buy that vibrator! Buy that dildo! Buy whatever the fuck makes you feel good! BUY WHAT MAKES YOU ORGASM BECAUSE THAT’S HALF THE POINT!
Sex is great, but so are vibrators…they’re also a lot less problematic than people. Just sayin.
Do you think having a vibrator is a good idea? Let us know below.
Featured Image: weheartit

I'm Aleena, I go to Pace University in Manhattan and I'm currently studying communications and journalism. I love anything fashion/beauty related, writing, cats, and raves. I'm also really into astrology and zodiac signs and I am very much a Scorpio even though I was born on the cusp. I love writing (poetry and just my thoughts) and do a lot of it even in my free time. My dream job would be writing for a big name fashion magazine like Vogue or maybe writing my own sappy poetry book.