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Ultimate Guide To Eating On Campus At The University of Alabama

Ultimate Guide To Eating On Campus At The University of Alabama

A Guide To Eating On The Cornell Campus

At The University of Alabama, there’s a lot more to eating on campus than just having a meal plan, and if you’re anything like me, food is pretty important to you. I spent my first semester eating at all the wrong places, and missing out on some great meals because I didn’t know any better yet. Here are all the best places to find food on campus at the University of Alabama….

Get Breakfast at Bryant.

This is the best advice I was given my freshmen year. Bryant is the athletic dining hall on campus, so it serves all of the best food. It’s open to all students for breakfast, so you can feast on the likes of pancakes, made to order omelets, fried chicken, and fancy pastas. You may not think it’s worth the walk that early, but it’s the perfect way to start your day, or reward yourself for going to that 8am class!


Know your dining halls.

The University of Alabama has four dining halls, each with their own pros and cons. Bryant is the best, but you can only get in for breakfast unless you have live in Bryant Hall or have an Athletic Meal Plan. Fresh Foods has the best salad bar and better food, but closes earlier than Lakeside and Burke. Burke has a dedicated pasta option, but it’s far from the suite style dorms. Lakeside always has pizza and burgers, and is the only dorm that has “Late Night” hours, but it also has (arguably) the worst food.

Get it to-go.

All of the dining halls offer to-go boxes that you can check out when you swipe into the dining hall, so you can take it with you if you’re in a hurry. This is also a great option for people who want to stock up on food so they can have a snack or another meal later. Just makes sure you bring your box back when you’re finished, or else you may not be able to get another when you try to.

There are also Fresh To-Go options in the Presidential Terrace Market and in Julia’s Market. These are packaged sandwiches, salads, and fruit you can get in exchange for a meal swipe. Fresh To-Go items are great to grab if you’re short on time, or if you know you’ll need a snack during class.


Use your Dining Dollars (or don’t).

Every University of Alabama student is required to purchase $325 Dining Dollars each semester. These are good at any dining location on campus, (including the brand new, two story Starbucks that just opened near sorority row!). Dining Dollars are like the treat yo self part of your meal plan, perfect for when you just can’t make yourself eat Lakeside again, or when you want to reward yourself for acing your exam.

Tip: They’re also accepted by Dominos, which will deliver right to your dorm, and Buffalo Phil’s on The Strip.


While many people may have trouble making their Dining Dollars last until midterms, some people choose to save them. If you’re thrifty, you can save yours until the end of the Spring semester, where you can request a refund, or let your Dining Dollars roll over to Bama Cash.

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Get a Late Night (Lakeside) snack.

Lakeside Dining re-opens for “Late Night Lakeside” weeknights from 10pm to 1am. Breakfast is served, and you can eat all the biscuits you want in your pajamas, without sticking out. They also have different activities each night, like karaoke and bingo, where you can sometimes play for prizes (free t-shirts!). It can be a great break when you find that you’re still up studying, or snack on your way to or from a party!

Celebrate the holidays.

Bama Dining loves to celebrate, so keep an eye out for the important holidays! Last year I enjoyed National Pretzel Day with hot pretzels, Sundae Day with make your own ice cream sundaes, National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day with made to order, fancy grilled cheese, and Oktoberfest with an entire German inspired menu (and costumes).

Go off campus.

Part of eating on campus is knowing the best places to go off campus. Buffalo Phil’s on The Strip is a favorite, and it accepts Dining Dollars. Mugshot’s has the best burgers and fries around. Steel City Pops has the best popsicles anywhere, and so many flavors to try. Another Broken Egg is breakfast with a view of the Black Warrior River, perfect for your visiting parents. And while you’ll probably eat a lot of barbeque during your time at the University of Alabama, Dreamland Barbeque has the most famous ribs in town.


Where do you like to eat on campus? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
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