20 Signs You Grew Up In The 248

The 248 (def.): an area code made up of Detroit’s middle class suburbs that are extra af. We can all agree that there is never a dull moment. Here are the 20 relatable signs you grew up in the 248!
1. FOMO is real 24/7
If you’re not out, then you’re missing out
2. You consult your best friend before doing anything that might be considered socially unacceptable
3. Your back to school shopping was ridiculous
It included buying a new NorthFace backpack/parka, Lily agenda, and something Lululemon so you could carry your lunch around in their newest bag. Bonus points if you also got a new Victoria’s Secret pencil bag.
4. At least 50% of your classmates seemed to be geniuses, future Olympic athletes, and/or models
5. The same percentage acted like they were going to go to fancy out-of-state schools or Ivies but actually ended up attending MSUor UMich
A combination of these two schools might be referred to as “248 West”.
6. You occasionally wished you lived in a different school district
Living somewhere else to escape the endless hours of homework and intense college application process would be nice.
Mom: “How many hours of sleep did you get last night? You said you were going to be up pretty late”.
Me: Oh like 7… or 3
7. You know more Republicans than you do Democrats
Those red hats were everywhere last November.
8. You see someone you know every time you go out
9. You know how to act like you enjoy running into and making conversation with these people ^
Sometimes you’ll even ask if they want to catch up and have lunch because you’re just so damn polite.
10. You’ve gone on a juice cleanse to look better in your bodycon dress that breaks every rule of the school dance dress code
If you don’t have a body like Kylie, what’s even the point of wearing one?
11. You know that when going to social events it’s pics or it didn’t happen
12. You or one of your friends got a white Jeep Wrangler as a 16th birthday present
You also probably put a Vineyard Vines whale sticker on the back window
13. You’ve also seen the Policemen in your town drive the same vehicle
14. You complain about being “poor” whenever you have to spend your OWN money that you take out of your Kate Spade or Tory Burch wallet
Stupid parents trying to teach you how to stick to a budget.
15. You’ve been to parties at houses that are twice the size of your own
16. You know that summer concerts at DTE are the littest
Well, maybe. You probably only remember 75% of what happens there
17. You know that when people say “BJ” they’re usually talking about Beyond Juice
Does it really stand for anything else?
18. You go with your friends to Leo’s, Starbucks or to a trendy restaurant to take cute pics at least once a week
I’ll say it again. Pics or IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
19. You were probably called a Basic White Girl at some point in your life
Because sometimes you literally just can’t even
20. You say you’re from Detroit, but everyone can tell where you’re really from
Do you have any other signs you grew up in the 248!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit

Hey! I'm Stephanie and I'm a freshman business major at MSU :)