How To Choose The Sorority That Represents You
How To Choose The Sorority That Represents You

Starting college is tough, especially if you are starting in a fresh, new town that…

Why Joining A Sorority Didn't Give Me The Sisterhood I Thought It Would
Why Joining A Sorority Didn’t Give Me The Sisterhood I Thought It Would

When I went through sorority recruitment I knew nothing about sorority life, but I knew…

What To Wear For Sorority Recruitment
What To Wear For Sorority Recruitment

Sorority recruitment typically has three official rounds, but it really depends on your campus and…

7 Reasons To Join Greek Like
7 Reasons To Join Greek Like

Greek life can be portrayed poorly in the media, but there are so many benefits…

15 Big Little Reveal Gifts That Will Make Your Little Feel So Special
15 Big Little Reveal Gifts That Will Make Your Little Feel So Special

While getting a shirt for your little is great, there are so many other more…

10 Dresses Perfect For A Fraternity Formal

Fraternity formal season calls for a multitude of new dresses for your wardrobe. Whether long,…

10 Reasons Why I Hate Fraternities
10 Reasons Why I Hate Fraternities

Fraternities and sororities are synonyms with the college lifestyle. While I don’t personally have an…

10 Types Of Frats You'll Find Freshman Year
10 Types Of Frats You’ll Find Freshman Year

Nothing says welcome to college like a crumbling frat house. Whether it’s sticky floors, a…

Unique bid day themes are hard to come by. Check out this list of 10 bid day themes to help your sorority chapter stand out to new members!
10 Bid-Day Themes To Make Your Chapter Stand Out

Going through a Pinterest board of bid day themes is the first step to planning…

Here's Why I'm Disaffiliating From My Sorority
Here’s Why I’m Disaffiliating From My Sorority

Despite the glitz and glamour of sorority girls you see flooding your timeline – there’s…