Girls Night Party Ideas That Are Instagrammable AF

We all have our go-to ladies. They’re just as crazy as us (or more so). There is nothing more wild and fulfilling as a girls’ night. You can talk to your boyfriend about your need for chocolate around certain times of the month, but if we’re honest, he just doesn’t get it. Here is a list of instagrammable girls’ night ideas, because sometimes, we need to be with our ladies who understand us. #Necessaryđź‘Ż
Chick Flicks
In case you haven’t heard, staying in is the new going out (at least on girls’ night). So grab your besties and snuggle up for a chick flick. Of course, you’ve already thought of one to watch: Bridesmaids, P.S. I Love You, The Notebook, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The list of watchable movies goes on and on, and they’re all perfect for girls’ night. So salt some popcorn, grab the Reese Pieces (to pour over the popcorn) and cry because you aren’t married to Ryan Gosling. We all shed the same Gosling-less tears, we might as well do it together.
Dance Party
I believe it was the wise words of Sam Hunt who said, “If you’re gonna be a homebody, we’re gonna have a house party.” A dance party is the perfect way to be social and still stay in all night(if you’re the host). Be the first one to call all of your ladies and invite them over for a house party. You will want to invite your one friend who dreams of being a DJ and has all the best tunes (even if her snake tattoo scares you a little). Dim the lights, put out the snacks, throw on your metallic mini and dance it up. When you’re at home, you can pretend that no one is watching. Besides, know you’re going to end up on Instagram, doing a pop-lock with running mascara (some things are inevitable). This is one of the girls night party ideas we love!
Spa Night
Only your best ladies truly understand how satisfying a spa night can be. You can stay at home and have a spa night in, or you can go out to a spa for some massages. If you’re at home, you can grab some cucumbers for your eyes. You can pop some bubbly, while you discuss Ellen DeGeneres’ most recent suit of choice. Why don’t you take turns making your friends paint their nails a color that is “so not their color”. Sometimes catching up on some Hollywood gossip and eating too many dill pickle chips is just what a girl needs.
Dinner and a Movie
So I know that this is the most clique date idea ever, but not when you take your ladies in place of your SO. Get dressed to the nines and hit a little eatery that you’ve been dying to try (if only your SO wasn’t so stuck in their ways). Your ladies will make sure you have an extra piece of chocolate cake, and they won’t tell a soul. After you’re fat and happy (and not thinking about how long you’ll need to spend at the gym tomorrow), you can hit a new movie that just premiered. This particular date is the only one that is guaranteed to end in laughs and happy tears. This is one of the best girls night party ideas!
Roller Skating
I am currently picturing every single friend I have, doing the splits on the floor of a skating rink. If you choose roller skating for your girls’ night, you can have actual pictures of this reality, posted all over your Instagram. You will be laughing for weeks to come. You will have so many inside jokes that your other friends get angry. Oh well, it’s called an instagrammable girls’ night. Too bad the others missed out. #sorrynotsorry
Weekend Away
Most of us aren’t rolling in money during college. But if you can spare a little change, you and your friends could pull your money together and rent a place for a weekend getaway. My personal favorite is a cabin in the mountains. My idea of a getaway is a cabin with a porch, surrounded by trees, drinking hot chocolate by a fire (without wifi). Your idea of a getaway may be a house by the beach, where you can eat a nice fish dinner and put your feet in the sand. Whatever it is, the weekend will be complete as long as your ladies are there.