10 GIFs That Explain What It’s Actually Like To Be A SMU Student

by reesebobo
September 11, 2017

SMU may be home to a wide array of students from all over the globe, but there are certain things we can all relate to. Here are 10 GIFS that explain what it is actually like to be a SMU student.
1. When Umph doesn’t have fresh cookies.
2. When the line at OT stretches all the way past Red Jacket.
3. When HPHS kids flood into Whataburger while you’re trying to enjoy your Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit.
4. TFW the Club Fondy starbs line is a mile long
5. When the prof cancels your 8 a.m lecture.
6. When you get your Macs pizza in under 5 minutes.
7. When you show up to Dedman and it’s actually not packed.
8. When Derek from Umph hits you with that Monday morning motivation.
9. When Arnold *blesses* you by not burning your omelette.
10. When everyone makes it home from the night’s escapades in one piece.
Am I missing anything about being a student at SMU ? Let me know in the comments!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

I'm a Pre-Law student at SMU majoring in Political Science and Psychology. I love traveling, politics, and Childish Gambino. I'm from DC, and have been riding horses for 10 years. Don't bother asking me where I got any of my clothes--they're all from South Moon Under.