
10 GIFs That Describe Midwest Winters

If you live or have ever lived in the Midwest, there’s one unforgettable time of year that truly never fails to completely suck: winter. The first snow fall of winter can be quite magical, and the city of Chicago looks it’s prettiest when it has a light dusting of sparkling white compliments the Christmas lights that set the city a-glow. However, the prettiness and magic quickly subside and make for a what-feels-like-never-ending time period of grey, slushy mess. If you’ve never experienced the pain that is Midwest winters, or were lucky enough to escape them by moving a state where winter ceases to exist, consider yourselves the lucky ones.

There’s no words that close enough to describing the feeling of frigid-cold wind whipping at your face or frostbite taking over your entire body as you chip away at your icy windshield. These 10 GIF’s are for all of my fellow Midwestern folks who can join forces in laughter (more so frustration) at the unescapable hell of winter time.

1. The unexpected surprise of snow in October and having to wear hoodies/long sleeves underneath your Halloween costume that totally ruined your vibe.

2. The magical moment when you see the first snow fall when you’re in class or at work.

3. The following moment post-magic when you see everyone’s snapchats and Twitter feeds expressing excitement for the winter’s first sprinkle.

4. Being unable to leave the house without your mom harassing you to grab a scarf and hat and gloves and another jacket because “you’re gonna get a cold”.

5. The not-unusual sight of 20 degree snow and frost in the morning then mid 60’s and clear grass in the afternoon.

6. The swear words you curse to yourself as you’re sitting in your car waiting for it to warm up.

7. Running late and not getting to warm up your car so you just scream the whole way there.

8. Having someone wipe the snow off your car or scrape the frost from your windshield is like being blessed by Jesus himself.

9. Sleeping with a fan directly blasting on your face/body while it’s -2 degrees outside and being perfectly unbothered.

10. The grey slush. ‘Nuff said.

For as much as Midwest winters brutally suck, there’s something to still love about our hometowns that celebrate the season…even if the season feels like it lasts for 6 out of the year’s 12 months. What GIFs do you think describe Midwest winters?
Featured Image Source:
Vanessa Passo

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