5 Fun Activities You Can Do On Your Next Date Night

I have often felt very overwhelmed when the dates I go on are primarily the two of us sitting across from one another at a restaurant, especially when it’s a first date. I prefer to actually do things on a date, which also allows me to see the person I’m on a date with in a public setting. You can learn a lot about a person by observing how they engage with others.
Experiencing fun date activities also takes the pressure off at having to stare into each other’s eyes and experience some likely awkward silences. Below I’ve shared 5 of my favourite fun activities for your next date night — whether that’s with your significant other, with someone new, or maybe even some of your best friends! Either way, you’re guaranteed to have a good time.
1. Drive-In Theatre
How very Grease of me but I do love a good drive-in theatre. They are quite out of the way for me to go to where I live so whenever I get the chance to go, I do. I also love old-timey things and going to a drive-in movie theatre screams old school. Just take me to a burger shack diner beforehand so that I can get a burger, fries and strawberry milkshake to go and that would be my dream date night.
Make of it what you will and you’re guaranteed to have an excellent date night with your significant other. Bring loads of junk food (popcorn with peanut M&Ms are my favourite), some cozy blankets (for the chilly evenings and the cuddle sesh), and just enjoy the sky above you, the earth below you, and the movie in front of you.
2. Mini Golf
Bound to be a fun time for all, mini golf is a tried and true date day/night idea, whether that’s a date with your significant other or with your best friends. I haven’t been mini golfing in a really long time, but I remember having a lot of fun when I did. It’s a great way to just enjoy time with someone and it can be as competitive as you want it to be. It’s also a good indicator of how competitive you both really are; some competitive energies arise from mini golf!
There are usually many mini golf places that you can go to. Depending on where you go or where you are situated, there are outdoor mini golf areas, as well as glow in the dark mini golf. Either way, you experience will sure to be a hole in one!
3. Batting Cages/Playing Baseball
I’m very much channeling The X Files here when Scully and Mulder are at on the baseball diamond, but I genuinely believe that this is a perfect next date option. I mean, that scene from The X Files has gone down in tv history as a favourite moment between Scully and Mulder so how can it not be romantic? If you know the scene I’m talking about it can provide optimal coziness and spooning for the sake of hitting the ball with your bat just right.
If you don’t have any free baseball diamonds near you maybe considering renting out space at a batting cage for a bit. Another bonus about this next date idea is that it’s a great way you get to know one another a little more deeply. Are you both competitive? Supportive? Can you work as a team?
Rather than just those dates where you get to know each other superficially, this will put you in social situations where you get to be your true selves, which I believe is necessary when you’re trying to get to know one another without any pressure.
4. Take A Class Together
Depending on your mutual interests or whether one of you wants to try something new that the other one loves, taking a class together is a romantic yet fun potential next date idea, especially if you want to spice things up. *crickets*
The great thing about taking a class together is that, again, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or filled with pressure. Try your hand at a cooking class together or maybe a pottery class. These creations will be those you can cherish because you made them, if not together, alongside one another.
You can share the meal you made together or make each other ceramic pieces. There are so many kinds of classes and/or workshops you can take together, each of which should excite you and get you to enjoy something you already love or are curious about trying. As you open your heart up to love so do you open your heart to new experiences. 🙂
5. Old School Rollerskating
Now my boyfriend took me rollerskating on our second date. Not only was I super impressed with the date idea, but I was also very excited because I’d never rollerskated before. Let me tell you, if you’ve never done it before, it is seriously difficult! I wasn’t expecting how difficult it would be because I’m a good skate and typically have good balance.
Oh no, those old school rollerskates tested everything. I don’t know how some people make it look so easy. It. Is. Not. Both of us were on the verge of falling several times, which isn’t hard to imagine, especially trying to skate together when either of us could barely skate separately. As a result, I think I love this next date spot idea because it made me let go of my fears about embarassing myself not only in public but in front of my date. If you want to get out of your comfort zone, I highly recommend giving rollerskating a try!