
20 Care Package Ideas College Kids Actually Want

20 Care Package Ideas College Kids Actually Want

Getting that email that you have a package waiting for you is definitely one of the highlights of college (even…

4 weeks ago

5 Ways to Adjust to Freshman Year at CPP

Going to a new campus takes a while to get used to... now you’re at a new school and in…

2 months ago

The Ultimate Freshman Guide To Homecoming

Every freshman looks forward to their first college homecoming experience and wants to make it as memorable as possible! Although…

2 months ago

How To Get Around Your College Campus Without a Car

The first day of your freshman year of college is approaching and you’re praying that your parents surprise you with…

2 months ago

15 Awesome Websites To Keep You Organized In College

College can become hectic sometimes which is why it's crucial to take advantage of all the help staying organized in…

2 months ago

What Not To Do Your First Week Of College

Attention freshmen heading off to college in the coming weeks: get ready for the ride of your life. Entering college…

2 months ago

15 Things You Won’t Survive College Without

Packing and getting ready for college can be stressful and hard to adjust to...but there 15 things that you 100% won't…

2 months ago

20 Thoughts We All Have While Packing For College

It’s mid-August, so packing season is well underway. Some are packing for their first year of college, making sure to…

2 months ago

10 Ways To Bond With Your New Roommate

Welcome to college, AKA the place where you live with a complete stranger for 180 days! Scared yet? Don’t be! Getting…

2 months ago

What I Learned From Freshman Orientation At Virginia Tech

As my parents and I drove down to Virginia Tech for my freshman orientation, I was really nervous. My palms…

3 months ago