15 Foods To Eat When You’re Hungover That Will Actually Help

Whether you’re prepping for a weekend-long bender or you’re just having one fun drunken night with your friends, you know there are going to be consequences. As anyone who’s consumed more than a few alcoholic beverages can tell you, you’re going to regret your decisions once you stop drinking. Or, if you end up not regretting drinking so much, you’re simply going to feel like you’ve been run over by a semi truck about seven times. The point being: hangovers suck. Whether you have to go to work or school soon or you just really don’t want to feel like a pile of garbage for a solid 24 hours, there are a lot of foods to eat when you’re hungover that will actually help soothe your hangover symptoms.
1. Pickles
This one is an age old solution, and for a good reason! The incredibly high salt content in pickles and pickle juice apparently helps to replenish your electrolytes, which will get rid of your headaches and dizziness.
2. Green tea
Foods to eat when you’re hungover can be helpful, but it’s really important to hydrate. Green tea is just really good for you in general, but it’s specifically good for hangovers because the antioxidants in the tea often help to relieve headaches and nausea.
3. Bananas
Because of the potassium, of course! When you’re drunk, your body loses a lot of its needed potassium, so you definitely need to replenish that. It can also really help to ease an upset stomach.
4. Tomato juice
The simple sugars in the tomato juice help to regulate things when your liver is preoccupied with trying to metabolize the alcohol you’ve put into your system. Plus, tomatoes are a great source of hydration.
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is really good for soaking up some of the bad things left over from the boozy night you had. It has a ton of nutrients, regulates blood sugar, and works to break down and neutralize the high acid levels in your body.
6. Blueberries
As you probably know, blueberries are full of antioxidants and give your immune system a pick-me-up so it can start fighting off everything you put in your body the night before.
7. Milk
Specifically, milk helps to replace a lot of lost nutrients while calming an upset stomach. Just be careful, as too many dairy products can exacerbate the problem.
8. Hamburgers
The bread (the best is a multigrain variety) soaks up bad acids in your stomach while the meat helps balance blood sugar and put some iron back into your system.
9. Spinach
Spinach has some of the most important hangover-fighting ingredients like folic acid, sulfur and vitamin C. Basically, it’ll help detoxify your liver.
10. Eggs
Eggs are great at breaking down toxins in the body, which makes them perfect as a hangover cure. It can help get rid of the stuff that your body hasn’t yet been able to expel on its own, how cool!
11. Crackers
Like other breads on the list, this helps balance blood sugar and ease nausea.
12. Toast
Oddly, it’s said that burnt toast is actually really good for a hangover. The idea is that the carbon formed from the burned part will help sift out impurities in the stomach.
13. Honey
Honey is great for avoiding the hangover headache. Its antioxidant properties help neutralize toxins in the body from the alcohol!
14. Pears
Pears help to lower blood alcohol levels and help the body to metabolize what it has taken in recently.
15. Asparagus
This one really helps more if you eat it before the binge-drinking session begins, but there is some evidence to suggest it can help a bit after the fact because the enzymes in the asparagus work to break down the alcohol in your body.
What are your favorite foods to eat when you’re hungover? Let us know in the comments!
My name is Kassidy Barber, I'm 20 years old, and I'm currently working on my B.A. in English with a minor in web communications at the University of Alabama in Huntsville! I love video games, lots of T.V. shows, dogs, and especially food (both cooking and eating)!