20 Easy Tips To Stay Fit And Healthy At College

Staying fit while attending college can be hard, especially your freshman year when your trying to figure out the ways of the world. In order to avoid the freshman 15, here are the 20 easiest tips to stay fit and healthy!
1. Find a friend or classmate to workout with
Having someone to workout with is a major key because they’ll keep you consistent with going to the gym. It’s also a great way to make new friends and meet new people on your campus!
2. Stock your mini-fridge with health junk
If you decide to bring a mini-fridge with you, stock it with basic staples like hummus and carrots, frozen berries, eggs, or yogurt.
3. Keep actual junk food OUT of your dorm
As tempting as it may be, try not to store any junk food in your dorm room. That way you won’t be inclined to eat away all your stress.
4. Set a goal and stick to it
Write your goal down on a post it note and stick it where you’ll see it every day like a mirror. You’ll be reminded to hit the gym and eat healthy whenever you see it.
Whether it’s to the movie theater or the closest Chipotle, take a friend with you and walk wherever you can. Just make sure there’s a well lit path on your way there.
6. Get the fitness tracker you’ve always wanted
It might be a little pricey, but people who pay attention to their walking and fitness goals more than often end up competing against themselves and achieving their goals, which is always worth it.
7. (iPHONE USERS) Use the health app on your iPhone
Your iPhone automatically tracks your daily steps, so if you don’t have the money to buy a fitness tracker, just use your phone! It’ll also give you a bunch of great recommendations on other heath apps you can download like MyFitnessTracker and Waterlogged.
8. Wear your workout clothes to class
By wearing your workout clothes to class you can just head straight to the gym after without having to carry a big extra bag on your shoulder.
9. Do cardio while you study
Practice some multi-tasking and prop your notes up on your cardio machines console and study while you get your sweat on. Because hey, exercise helps memory, right?
10. Buy snacks high in protein
Look for snacks with at least 7 grams of protein, it’ll actually help you curb hunger. Try Greek yogurt or some nuts and skip the potato chips.
11. Bring water with you everywhere you go
Whether it’s to a study sesh or your new friend’s dorm, always make sure you have some water to sip on wherever you go. Hydration is key!
12. Drink water instead of soda
Try to limit soda and sugary drinks and opt out for water instead. Your body will thank you for it.
13. Take vitamins
If you don’t think you’re getting the nutrition you need from your diet, don’t hesitate to supplement in some multi-vitamins to stay healthy and illness free, especially in the cold months!
14. Take advantage of fitness courses
A membership to your school’s gym is more than likely included in your tuition, but if you have the opportunity to go to any fitness courses, do it! Some might cost a couple dollars, but who knows you might meet some new friends, and the moneys totally worth it.
15. Don’t do homework and studying in bed
Studying and doing homework in bed can make it harder to fall asleep at night, so try to keep your work space separate from your sleep space as best you can.
16. Drink alcohol in moderation
Although it might seem suuuuper tempting and fun, try to limit your alcohol consumption. You’ll thank yourself in the morning.
17. Vary your meals
Even though eating pizza or pasta everyday might sound amazing, try to switch up what you eat everyday and take advantage of your options.
Feed your brain when you wake up and get something high in protein to eat before you go to class, otherwise not only will your brain hate you for it, but your body will too.
19. Meal Plan
Taking up meal planning (if you can) is a slightly time consuming yet great way to make sure you stay on your diet plan. Plus, all your food will be ready for you when you’re ready to eat!
20. Go out and try new things
Grab some friends and try something new like rock climbing, hiking, intramural sports or yoga. This is a great way to stay fit and have fun!
Do you have any other tips to stay fit and healthy at college!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit