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Easy And Healthy Meals To Make On The Go

Easy And Healthy Meals To Make On The Go

These healthy meals to make on the go are going to make your life so much easier! Here are our top easy to make and healthy snacks!

Between work, school, friends, and relationships it can be difficult to keep yourself healthy. But never fear, we’ve selected 15 healthy meals to make on the go. Enjoy!

1. Yogurt and Fruit

Yogurt and fruit are great individually and even better when you decide to put them together. Fruit is full of antioxidants, vitamins and much more, while the yogurt is packed with protein, all things that will keep you healthy while you rush through this holiday season.

2.  DIY Starbucks Bistro box

Everyone loves Starbucks, from drinks to snacks they have everything. To recreate their famous bistro box, grab a plastic container, fill it with fruit, your favorite cheese , a hard boiled egg, and a small piece of bread. Don’t forget to add salt, pepper, and peanut butter for extra flavor. This is one of the best healthy meals to make on the go!


3.  Acai Smoothie

Acai is crazy popular, and not without reason. This Brazilian berry is packed with flavor and has tons of health benefits. Blend up apple juice, a banana, and a frozen acai packet (pick some up at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s) and you are all set for a flavorful day.

4. Turkey Rollups

This is a healthy snack you can honestly make in just minutes. Wrap up your favorite kinds of cheese and veggies inside of a slice of deli turkey.  This is essentially a sandwich without the bread (which means less calories!)

5. Banana Bites

This healthy snack on the go will give you a great energy boost to get you through the day. Cut a banana and slice it before rolling it into a mix of your favorite seeds.


6. Apples and Peanut Butter

This is a super easy and healthy snack that you can assemble in the office or in class. Slice your favorite kind of apple, and spead peanut butter on the individual slices. For extra flavor sprinkle cinnamon on top!

7. Trailmix

Trailmix is the perfect, easy snack that you can eat on the go. This is filled with healthy nuts and pretzels you never know what you’re going to get when you reach your hand inside!

See Also


8. Fruit Skewers

These are quick, easy, and can be packed up to take with you on the go. Grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and more are perfect for this fun snack. Stick them on your skewer in your favorite order and you are set.

9. Smoothie Bowls

This is the healthy trend that has been blowing up and that you have been seeing all over your  Instagram feed. From Playa Bowls, to Frutta Bowls it seems that these fruit filled bowls are on every corner. You can easily make your base by blending up your favorite smoothie, then adding fruit, nuts, granola as your favorite toppings.

10. Multigrain Crackers

These crackers are very quick and easy to make when you are in a rush and on the go. Pick out your favorite kind of crackers (Ritz, saltines, graham) then throw some ricotta cheese with a honey drizzle on top and you are set!

What are your favorite healthy meals to make on the go? Will you try any of these healthy meals to make on the go? Tell us in the comments!
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