
The Truth About Taking Painkillers For Fun

The Truth About Taking Painkillers For Fun

In the United States, the idea of taking painkillers for fun has been increasing over the years as more young people use…

8 months ago

10 Popular Drugs and How Long They Stay In Your System

Here I present the top ten (in my opinion) most popular drugs used by college students and how long these…

9 months ago

Everything You Need To Know About Popular Music Festival Drugs

Unless you live under a rock you have probably noticed that there is recreational drug use all around us. Recreational drug…

11 months ago

The Truth About Coke

Benzoylmethylecgonine, aka coke, is commonly snorted, inhaled or injected on college campuses. I would tell you don’t do it, it’s…

1 year ago

What You Should Know About Trying Drugs in College

Once you arrive at college, the world is your oyster. You will be surrounded by new experiences and it is…

1 year ago

10 Things To Watch When You’re High

When you get high the only thing that should be on your mind is what snacks you want and what…

3 years ago

How To Know You’re A Stoner

A stoner is defined as someone who smokes marijuana, but I challenge that. A stoner is not someone who just…

3 years ago

How To Spot A Stoner

A stoner is classified as someone who partakes in the smoking of marijuana, and you can not just simply tell…

3 years ago

Types of Marijuana Strains for Different Effects

In some states, as well as countries like Canada, and parts of Mexico, South America, and Asia, marijuana has become…

5 years ago

12 Cool CBD Products You Should Try

Lately, CBD products are more popular than ever. CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it won't get you high. It's legal…

5 years ago