Different Hair Colors To Try Out This Summer

Tired of the same dusty hair colors you’ve been rocking all Spring? Wanna spice things up and reinvent your image? Here are some hair colors that are guaranteed to turn heads this Summer and make you stand out from the crowd!
Looking for that perfect sunkissed look? Try the ombre hairstyle that will add a multidimensional flair to your hair. Whether you stick with a natural ombre style that goes from brown to blonde or a style that preferences bolder colors, this classic style will garner countless complaints. And once you’ve gained the trust of your loyal subjects, no beach will be safe in your vicinity. Some may call you mad for combing colors within your hair but take no heed of the simple-minded. Worry only about how your new social crown will fit on your head as you dominate the Summer.
Channel your inner Billy Eilish by going silver this summer. This reflective color will make all of your friends envious. Become the silver fox that you were always meant to be! Give off the aura of seeming adventurous/daring even if all you do is watch Netflix and play with your cats. Who’s gonna know the truth anyway?
Wanna stand out from the crowd? Wanna embrace your inner edge lord while at the beach? Try going black this Summer and become the ultimate badass! Nothing says intimidating like posing by the ocean with solid black hair, a black bikini, and sunglasses. While everyone is rocking inviting summer colors, you’ll be the that one emo everyone knows not the f***k with it!
Feel like being seductive this summer? Wanna be the seductive firey queen of your local beach? Try out a ferocious fire color this Summer! Have all eyes glued to your every movement as you glide across the sand in your passionately colored hair! Pair this hair color with a red bikini to truly create a dangerous combination this Summer. You’ll truly be unstoppable and all shall bow in the presence of their red queen. Take command of the one dye to rule them all!
Not in the mood to crush your enemies? Embrace your cuteness by dawning a pink hair dye! Maybe you’re more of a lover than a fighter and just wanna love all creatures. Besides obviously standing out from the crowd, you’ll seem extremely inviting to the average common folk! And who doesn’t wanna have a never-ending amount of adoring fans at their disposal? Oh, did I say disposal?
Neon Yellow
Do you really want all the attention this summer? Does the possibility of hurting the eyes of others not bother you? Then you should try out neon yellow as a hair color. Not only do I personally think it’s badass, but it’ll be impossible for you to not stand out. I for one do not believe in colors being “too loud” and until you feel the same, then are you truly free? I think not! So release that inner rebel that’s been frothing at the mouth to escape this Summer!
And lastly, we have blue as the final option on the list! Feeling like you wanna be emotional the entire summer? Did a bad breakup happened and now you wanna let the world know about your sorrow? Rock the deepest shade of blue to let the world know of your despair! Screw being all sunny and cheerful, you have some inner pain to unleash unto the world! And…If you’re not exactly depressed about anything, blue is just an overall dope color to put in your hair so…there’s that I guess?
Can you think of any more dyes for the summer? Tell us below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.allthingshair.com/en-us/hairstyles-haircuts/hair-color-ideas/hair-color-post-vacation/