
Dealing With Changing Social Circles In College

Prior to starting college, I was repeatedly told that the friends I’d start off with…

10 Things That Happen When You Date A Frat Guy

For the past several months, I have dated a guy who is in a fraternity.…

20 Questions Men Have For Women: Answered

There are many gray areas between men and women that neither understand but always wonder.…

10 Reasons Your College Friends Are The Best Friends

1. Your friendship is a choice. When it comes to college friends, you actively choose to…

Why The Single Girl’s Relationship Advice Is The Best Advice

Have you ever unknowingly vented to a 5 year old and suddenly, their short, innocent, or…

10 Things About Sex Every College Student Should Know

As humans we biologically are predisposed to sex, whether it’s for pro-creational purposes or just…

Being Single In College VS Being Single IRL

Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson, and many of the other greats have gifted unto us incredible power…

10 Reasons Your High School Friends Are Your Best Friends For Life

We all go through those phases in our life where we question the true loyalty…

10 Tips To Communicate Effectively In A Relationship

Communicating effectively in a relationship is critical to the success of the affair. But a lot of…

Falling In Love While Studying Abroad: How to Deal

Falling in love while studying abroad, especially if only for a semester or a year,…