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5 Cookbooks Every College Student Should Have

5 Cookbooks Every College Student Should Have

We all know that college students are all living on a slim budget. Going grocery shopping or even making meals for yourself can be overwhelming. These 5 cookbooks will help college students make healthy and delicious food for so easy and cheap! 

If you are tired of the same old dining hall food for every meal, these recipes will take your dining experience to a whole new level. Even if you are not too familiar with cooking, these cookbooks are the perfect start. They all have step by step directions that will lead you to great success. They keep in mind that some students don’t have access to certain kitchen appliances and help you utilize what you have to make the perfect meals! 

1.College Cookbook: Healthy Budget Friendly Recipes For Every Student

Wanting to stay healthy but not spend a lot of money? No worries! College Cookbook has some of the healthiest and cheapest recipes that college students are sure to love. This cook book is only 10$ on Amazon and you can also download it onto a Kindle. The book is super easy to access and it holds some of the most appetizing recipes to make.


Staying healthy in college is super important. As a busy student, it can be hard to keep track of what you eat everyday and it can be tempting to order out many nights. With this cookbook, it will have you excited for cooking a healthy meal that will make you feel refreshed and healthy. Being a student can be tiring but these recipes will have you bursting with the energy you need for the day.

If you are looking to impress all your friends with a nice meal, then this book is what you need to get! Some meals you could put together are beef tomato spaghetti, egg white bruschetta, or banana nut cake. It is a perfect guide to staying healthy and having tasty meals! Every college student should have this cookbook. 



2. The College Vegan Cookbook

If you are a vegan or even a vegetarian in college, it can be hard to cook or find foods you like to eat in order to get the right nutrients. If this is a reoccurring problem, then you have to get The College Vegan Cookbook! This is one of the best cookbooks a vegan in college could purchase. It can be hard cooking in a college dorm or apartment but luckily, this cookbook gives you all the tips and tricks on how to cook the perfect meals! It is mindful of  all of the cooking space restrictions, costs of foods, and limited resources. This cookbook will give you insight to a whole new version of how to make amazing vegan cuisine.

Plant based recipes can get expensive but you will learn the ways to save and make delicious meals without spending a fortune. From oatmeal raisin breakfast cookies, to a chickpea melt, your options are amazing. The College Vegan Cookbook is only $11.17 on Amazon and is available for Kindle as well! Don’t wait any longer, try this cookbook out now!


3. 101 Things To Do With Ramen Noodles 

Of course all college students love Ramen Noodles! I mean really, how many of you could live off of Ramen Noodles for a whole semester? They are the fastest and easiest food to make and not to mention they are super cheap. After getting 101 Things To Do With Ramen Noodles, you will no longer have to eat the same boring noodles for every meal!

This cookbook will teach you endless ways to spice up your Ramen Noodles and turn them into an amazing dish. From creamy chicken noodle soup to Chinese veggie noodles, there are so many options you can make everyday to switch it up. Since Ramen Noodles come in packs, you can try a new recipe for every pack to switch up the flavors. This is the ultimate college cookbook that every student should have in their kitchens! I know you are thinking that this is an amazing discovery, but it gets better, the cookbook is only $7.39 on Amazon and definitely worth every penny! 


4. $5 A Meal College Cookbook

Cant afford take-out and groceries everyday? Well look no further! The $5 A Meal College Cookbook will save you and your bank account. Everyone knows that college students are living on a very small budget and they can’t be spending it all on food. This cookbook has a variety of recipes from breakfast to dinners and even smoothies, you will have no problem trying to find something appetizing. It even has an array of meals to make on the fancier side to impress a date or even your friends! The best part is, all the recipes call for only a few dollars worth of ingredients. This fabulous cookbook is only $14.14 on Amazon! It is a must have for all college students. 

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With over 300 meals, this book could last you the whole school year and keep your days filled with exciting new food! Who doesn’t love that?! 


5. The Easy College Cookbook

If you are not the best chef around and are freaking out about cooking for yourself in college, don’t worry, The Easy College Cookbook has got you covered! The recipes in here are for simple meals that will help you step by step. It is a range of unique foods to getting creative with your daily meals. It also has vegan and vegetarian options for those who need it.

This cookbook has everything a college student needs! It even has snack recipes perfect fo studying or getting together with friends. This is a great cookbook for students who want to cook but are not that comfortable with making fancier meals yet. It is a great starter cookbook that will have you learning so many new techniques helping to improve your cooking skills. At only $11.79 on Amazon, this cookbook will have you impressing all of your friends and yourself with all the delightful meals you will be preparing. 


If you tried out one of these 5 cookbooks for college students let us know what your favorite ones were and which recipes you tried out in the comments below!