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10 Comfort Must-Haves When Traveling

10 Comfort Must-Haves When Traveling

10 Comfort Must-Haves When Traveling

When traveling, there must be comfort or else crankiness and exhaustion will set in! Traveling already creates stress due to other careless people traveling with you, doesn’t matter if you travel by car, train, plane, or boat. Making checklists and packing a small bag of must-have comfort items comes in handy once you begin your journey. These 10 comfort must-haves will help on the course and when you reach your destination!

1. Wipes and Tissues

Wipes and tissues don’t immediately scream comfort for most people, but they make for easy convenience. Messes happen all the time, whether big or small and with these tucked away, it can be solved in no time. Tissues work for most messes like runny noses, a drop of sauce on your shirt, drying watery eyes, etc.

Bringing wipes show you mean business, they clean the things that take more elbow grease than tissues can provide. Wipes also come in handy if you need some extra help when using the bathroom.


2. Gum or Breath Mints

You know that moment when you converse with someone and their breath smells terrible? Maybe someone thought you spoke with bad breath. Either way, it makes for uncomfortable times and makes it hard to focus on the conversation at hand.

Always pack gum or breath mints, especially when traveling. You have opportunities to meet new people when traveling, so bring comfort with fresh breath, because it leaves good impressions. If you do not enjoy the taste of mint, there are other flavors like fruity, bubble gum, caramel, the options are endless. Pop one in your mouth before your journey and after you eat.

3. A Throw, Scarf, or Jacket

Packing a throw, scarf, or jacket makes for cozy comfort when you can’t control the weather or temperature in the motor vehicle or plane. Navigating with others can be tricky when it comes to adjusting the temperature. Some people relax better with colder atmospheres and others like getting cozy with warmer climates. Normally the colder option will trump because you can cover up if cold.


A small throw easily folds back into your bag. Scarfs cover well, but blanket scarfs cover even better! Blanket scarfs unfold into the size of a small throw but can be wearable as well. Use the convenience of  your jacket as an easy and accessible item when temperatures drop.

4.Hygiene Products

The 3 top hygiene products you need for your comfort checklist include deodorant, lotion, and pads/tampons/diva cup. Body odor strikes at the worst moments sometimes, fight back by packing a small deodorant in your bag! Stores sell deodorants in small ball form nowadays, easy to pop out for quick swipes.

Lotion seems pointless if you do not suffer from dry skin, but some have scents that help maintain a good smell. If you see no need in the moisture factor, pack ones with scents just in case you start smelling dingy. Ladies, packing mother nature’s essentials helps in case it sneaks up on you.


5. Head Pillow

Propping your head on the window, on other passengers, dealing with neck cramps, not on this trip pain! Say no to uncomfortable neck positions and pack a travel pillow. Not the pillow you sleep on every night (unless you wish to), purchase the travel pillow shaped like an upside-down “U.”

They come in different styles, colors, provide comfort, and can be found at most retailers. Some stores carry travel pillows that you can blow up like a floating tube, when finished they deflate making it hassle-free to store.

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6. Extra Clothes and Tide To Go

Make sure to pack an extra shirt, pants, shoes, undies, and bra (if you wear one) when traveling! Accidents happen at times leaving you in unpredictable messes. Someone might accidentally open soda that spews everywhere, a burger slips between your fingers onto your pants, a pen explodes in your shirt pocket causing a huge inky mess. Bringing extra clothes gives you a chance to change out of messy clothes into clean clothes. Tide To Go pens fix small to medium clothing spills fast and in a breeze! If you want a modern-day wand, invest in Tide To Go pens.

7. Headphones/AirPods

This must-have doesn’t only apply to teenagers, this applies to everyone riding with noisy passengers. Whip the headphones out if the person beside you won’t be quiet, the chatter level increases, or if an argument breaks out beside you. Putting earphones in, signals to other passengers that you do not want to communicate. Turn on your favorite tunes, a suspenseful podcast, or switch to rainforest sounds for comfort zen!

8. Medicine

Please remember to pack your medicine in the bag that stays with you throughout the journey. Medicine serves majorly as a comfort must-have when traveling. If you do not consume medicine regularly, packing it will still be beneficial. Filling a small pill container with Ibuprofen, Advil, and Dramamine along with your other medicines (if you take any) will help with any nausea or headaches along your route. Please note that if allergic to the pills listed, do not take them. Also if any of the pills listed cause problems with a medicine you take, do not take them!


9.Portable Charger

Most people agree that a charged phone makes a journey easier. Stores do sell car chargers but when on trips with several people, sometimes that means sharing that charger. With portable chargers, you can stash it in your bag and pull it out when your battery starts decreasing. Stores sell rechargeable ones, as well as one-time-use chargers. These come in handy along the route, you become stranded and need a backup charger for assistance.

10. Sunglasses or Sleeping Mask

The sun’s blaring light always creeps in during a trip. Playing ducking and covering games with the glorious sun becomes exhausting real fast, be prepared with your shades. Stores sell shades that go from light shade coverage to heavy tinted coverage. You can also opt for a sleeping mask! Find comfort in complete darkness while you relax into slumber. Sleeping masks cost less than shades depending on where you purchase them, so if you’re trying to save money then it may be a more cost-effective purchase.

What are your must-have comfort items? Let us know in the comments if you try any of these must-haves on your next trip!

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