College Life

15 Awesome Websites To Keep You Organized In College

College can become hectic sometimes which is why it’s crucial to take advantage of all…

What Not To Do Your First Week Of College

Attention freshmen heading off to college in the coming weeks: get ready for the ride…

The 5 Emotional Stages Of Leaving For College

As move-in day vastly approaches, I am overwhelmed with so many emotions as I finally…

20 Thoughts Sorority Sisters Have During Recruitment

Recruitment is a fun time; it’s an opportunity to see all of the potential new…

15 Things You Won’t Survive College Without
15 Things You Won’t Survive College Without

Packing and getting ready for college can be stressful and hard to adjust to…but there 15…

CSUN is not like college is in movies. You're more likely to get hit by a BMW than a Frisbee in The Quad. Here are 20 things every CSUN student should know!
20 Things Every CSUN Student Should Know

CSUN is not that college you see in movies. We have 40,000 students, most of…