College Life

10 Fun Things To Do With Your Roommates On A Snow Day

Every college kid’s dream is waking up one winter morning to the email or text…

Are you wondering what the best dorms at The University of Vermont are? We'll help you choose which dorm hall is right for you at The University of Vermont.
Ranking Of The Worst Dorms At The University Of Vermont

When I first got my dorm assignment as an incoming freshman at UVM, I was…

From quiet halls, perfect for studying, to louder, more social halls, you'll find which of the freshman dorms at Tulane University is right for you!
The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms At Tulane University

Are you wondering which dorms at Tulane University are the best? Don’t worry! If you’re…

30 Things You Need For Your Small Apartment

There are certain things you need for your small apartment when moving in or decorating,…

A Day In The Life of A College Boy

It seems that college boys have things totally made for them. Everything for a boy…

10 Things You Need To Pack If You Are Studying Abroad In Europe

Get out a pen and paper because there are so many things that you will…

Are you nervous for freshman orientation at UTD? Don't worry, we have exactly what happens at orientation and tips to get you through it!
What Exactly Happens At Freshman Orientation At UTD

One of the most daunting journeys after you’ve accepted your college admission is what happens…

57 Things You Wish You Could Say To Your Roommate

Going away to college or even moving out for the first time is always exciting.…