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20 Care Package Ideas College Kids Actually Want

20 Care Package Ideas College Kids Actually Want


Getting that email that you have a package waiting for you is definitely one of the highlights of college (even if it’s just that poster you ordered off of Amazon). But when it comes unexpectedly from a loved one, it is even better…especially when they are things you actually want. So for all the loved ones out there needing some inspo for care package ideas that their college student will truly appreciate, here are 20.

1. An umbrella

If you’re like me, you forgot one and the very first day of class included a torrential downpour. Finding an umbrella in your care package will make the next rainstorm a little easier (and your bank account a little fuller).

2. Decals for your computer

On any college campus there is an endless amount of Macs, which can get a little boring. But not when you spice yours up with a few laptop decals!


3. Chocolate

This is a tried and true day-maker. Any kind works (white, dark, milk) chocolate instantly boosts anyone’s mood. It doesn’t even have to be anything fancy, a Hershey chocolate bar will do!

4. Gift cards

This, too, isn’t limited to any specific type: pizza, Visa, or Target all help in their own ways. Pizza (Dominoes, Papa Murphy’s, Topper’s, etc) will be a welcome diversion from Cafeteria food. And Visa will help in obvious way (the poor college student stereotype is very, very real). And Target (or the likes) will help us make our dorm room less stark.

5. Easy breakfast foods

When we have 8ams (or even 9ams) walking all the way to the cafeteria is not a necessity, but eating should definitely be part of our morning routine. Food like cereal, breakfast bars, or banana bread still allow us to sleep in and ensure a solid breakfast.


6. A K-Cup reusable coffee filter

There have been multiple studies that show k-cups are incredibly wasteful, but the machines themselves are so handy in the morning. A reusable filter is the perfect solution to this problem.

7. Subscription boxes

There are so many options for this, simply search “subscription boxes for college students” and you will find the best suggestions. From books, to snacks, to decorations, there is something for everyone. Plus this is one of those care package ideas that alleviates some of the pressure from the sender- they just pick a box and let the company do the dirty work.

8. An old stuffed animal

As much as we hate to admit it, getting an old stuffed animal that smells like home can make sleeping at school just a little bit easier. Sometimes a little reminder from home is exactly what we need to get through the day.


9. Our favorite movie (that isn’t on Netflix)

For me, it’s an obscure made-for-TV Disney movie, called Prom. Just like the stuffed animal, this will make the rough days a little less sucky and make college feel more like home.

10. A mix-tape (or a playlist written on a piece of paper in your handwriting)

The fact that you put the effort in to find and record songs that remind you of us means a lot. And new music is always much appreciated – we can only listen to the TGIF playlist so many times.

11. Microwavable dishes

Thinking we were going to eat in the caf for every meal was utterly naive. Sometimes it’s nice to just make some noodles or heat up leftovers in the comfort of our own dorm room, and microwavable dishes are key to making that happen.


12. A long letter

Texting and snapping are incredibly convenient but there is just something special about going to your mailbox and finding a letter from a loved one or close friend. Whenever I get one I hang it up on my wall and use it as motivation to push through the next essay.

13. A print for our wall

Society 6, Etsy and Amazon are all good options for this; dorm walls are bare and usually not very inviting…so basically anything will make the walls a little more enjoyable to look at.


14. New pens or highlighters

It’s extremely likely that by the third week of school we’ll be down to the bottom of our supply. And office supplies keep getting fancier and more fun to use (have you seen the highlighter with the see through tip, genius).

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15. Healthy snacks

A favorite in my dorm is almonds, which my roommate and I luckily discovered before the Cheetos at the supermarket. Dried fruit, trail mix, or pita chips are other great options and will make us feel less guilty when we’re studying at midnight and suddenly feel hungry.


16. Printed out pictures

Another way to make the dorm feel more homey is to hang pictures of friends, family, and pets in every empty corner. Looking up and seeing your puppy makes getting out of bed a little easier in the morning.

17. Febreze

Dorm rooms are not very glamorous, and the smell fits that theme very well. As much as you attempt to mask the smell of feet and pencils, it’s probably not going away. BUT, you can attempt with Febreze.

18. Fuzzy socks

Even if you go to school in Hawaii, your feet will be cold at some point. For me, my feet are always cold (living in Minnesota definitely has its perks) and throwing on a pair of especially fuzzy socks makes it a little more bearable.


19. Word magnets

There’s a good chance you have a mini-fridge to store your Brita filter in and there’s an even better chance it’s solid white or black. These nifty interactive decorations will make it less boring.

20. An extra-long phone charger

Outlets are limited in any room, but this seems to be even more true in dorm rooms. And charging our phones is most definitely one of our biggest priorities day or night (how else will we know when there’s free food outside the student center?). Having a phone charger that can reach to the nearest charger will make everything a little easier.

What other care package ideas would you love to get in the mail? Share in the comments!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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