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What Happens During Recruitment At University of Waterloo

What Happens During Recruitment At University of Waterloo

University of Waterloo has great Greek life. Unsure of if you want to rush? Here are 7 things that will happen during recruitment at University of Waterloo.
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So it’s a new year and a new you! You’re ready to go out and find all that University of Waterloo offers, and you’re ready to make a home here, to make a family. So why not check out the sororities on campus? You may just make some friends for life, and going through recruitment is an experience in itself! So what exactly happens at recruitment? It’s truly not as scary as it seems!

1. Check out the Greek Life Booth on Clubs Day!

Clubs day is the best way to start your path into Greek Life! You can meet sisters from all of the sororities and sign up for email notifications to make sure you don’t miss an event! You can also check out Greek Life 101 info session for some more detailed information, and a chance to ask all your burning questions! Like are all sororities the same? (Hint: answer is no!)


2. Plan Which Events You’ll Attend!

While it may be possible for you to attend all events, if you can’t that’s fine too! Just make sure to check out one event from each of the Sororities, yes it’s mandatory, but it’s important too! If you didn’t check out all three how else will you know which one is your perfect fit!? Plus it’s an excellent way to meet new people, and make new friends within all three of the sororities!

3. What Should you Wear?

Wear what makes you comfortable and what makes you feel your most confident! We want to get to know you, the real you, and your clothes are a good way to show off your dazzling personality! Whether it be your love for homemade scarves, or even your favourite band tee!

4. Attending your first event!

So you’ve made it to your first event of the week, what exactly is going on here!? We’re trying to give you all the important information you need to help make your decision on which you would like to join; what values align best with yours, what events and activities suite your desires, the overall time commitment and financial responsibility. Although ultimately what we want to do is get to know you, and allow you to get to know us. Be prepared for plenty of mingling! We also get excited to meet new people and make new friends!


5. The Big Night!

At the end of the week is Preference Night, a semi-formal event. You will receive your invitation or invitations from the Panhellenic council via your email, and it will give you the time and location of the event. This is the last night to get to know the sororities, and to let them get to know you! At the end of the night you will be instructed by Panhellenic members how to proceed. Hopefully by now you’ve got a feel for which one is the best fit, but don’t worry if they all seem like good choices (spoiler: they are!) there are plenty of opportunities for you to hang out with girls from each sorority!

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6. So What is Panhellenic Council?

So I’ve mentioned a bit about Panhellenic Council, but what more should you know? They are a collection of members from all three sororities on campus (However internationally there are 19 Panhellenic Sororities) who help make sure that recruitment runs fairly, and they help girls get from event to event, and as mentioned previously they will help you proceed after preference night. While this is their function during recruitment, Panhell (as we call it) represents the bond between sororities, and encourages friendship between all the Panhellenic Sororities!

7. So What Should I Expect?

In the end nothing is guaranteed, we hope you find your Greek Home at the end of the week! Although we understand if after going through recruitment you decide Greek Life just isn’t your thing. You’ll never know unless you try! If you have found the sorority of your dreams you’re in for such an amazing journey, a lifetime of love, laughter and friendship!

Let us know what you think about recruitment at University of Waterloo! Drop us a line!!


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