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The Ultimate WLU Bucket List

The Ultimate WLU Bucket List

Whether you are an incoming freshman, a current student, or an alum, you will definitely be able to appreciate everything that makes WLU unique and special. If you are still currently attending WLU and want to make the most of your time here, it is important not to miss out on some of the funnest things to do around campus! Keep reading for the ultimate WLU Bucket List, and let us know if there is anything else we should add!

1. Partake in the Empty Bowls charity event.

For the last six years WLU has been a part of the Empty Bowls charity event, so get out there and help out. You can run a marathon, volunteer one afternoon at a soup kitchen, or spend the day at a senior home; whatever it is- do something for charity.

2. Hit up Wilfs after celebrating St. Patricks day on Ezra Street.

St. Patty’s day is a huge deal at WLU, I would say it’s the biggest celebration throughout the entire year so, why not experience it.


3. Cheer on your golden hawks after tailgating outside University Stadium for homecoming.

Don’t forget the face paint.

4. Prank your roommates.

Wrap everything they own in tinfoil or spray cooking spray on their door handles so they can’t get out; pranking your roommates will create a memories to last a lifetime.

5. Take a course purely out of interest, not because of your major.

Interested in criminology, old English, or poetry but you major in biology? One year take a course that is completely out of interest and totally random.


6. Ask your professor for lunch.

Have a nice outside lunch date chatting away with your professor. Getting to know your professor will be to your advantage.


7. Surprise your parents with a spontaneous return visit home.

Living on campus away from home for the first time? One weekend surprise your family by going home. It will warm their hearts and who can forget about your mom’s delicious food.


8. Spend a summer traveling a foreign country.

Meeting cute Europeans, and getting a credit done. Study abroad in Europe, you can study Spanish in Spain or learn French in France.


9. Pull an all-nighter in the library. And then pull an all-nighter binge watching Netflix.

You will probably pull an all-nighter since you procrastinated writing that essay due tomorrow at 8 am; but why not pull one to binge watch an entire series on Netflix. (I recommend Grey’s Anatomy, Game of Thrones, and Suits).

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10. Rush a sorority in your freshman year.

Have you seen legally blonde… who wouldn’t want to live in house with 60 of your best friends?

11. Sit in on a random lecture.

Bored during classes and have nowhere to go because all of your friends are in lectures? Why not join them, sit in on a random lecture and see if you can actually learn something.


12. Take a picture with Sir Wilfrid Laurier himself.

The statue is located in the quad where Sir Wilfrid sits regally on a bench, so go join him for a selfie.


What are some other things we should add to the WLU Bucket List? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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