York U

5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

It’s almost that time: that dreaded time when weather reporters start saying the “F” word on television….Flurries…FLURRIES! Then, after the…

23 hours ago

20 Things Every York University Student Should Know

York University is home to over 50,000 students and is one of the largest universities in Canada. That being said,…

1 day ago

10 Things You Could Realistically Do When You Only Have $8 Left In Your Bank Account

If you've ever checked your bank account after a day of being at the mall, grocery shopping, or paying for…

3 days ago

Floorcest: The Pros And Cons Of Hooking Up With Floormates

Floorcest, the simple definition for hooking up with floormates. If temptation hasn't already caught you, chances are you've already thought about, or…

2 weeks ago

15 Pictures That Will Make You Wish You Were Starting School At York University Tomorrow

The third largest university in Canada, York University has one of the most mesmerizing campuses. The enormous Keele Campus is…

2 weeks ago

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To York University

This article is not an #ad for York University, rather it is an introspective look as to why I chose to…

2 weeks ago

6 Helpful Tips For How To Get Along With Your Roommate

In less than three years at college, I have had seven different roommates. The three years doesn’t mean I graduated…

3 weeks ago

15 Things I Wish I Knew Before Frosh Year at York

York University is truly the best university to attend. The decision to go here changed my life and I would consider…

3 weeks ago

10 Harsh Truths I Wish I Knew In High School

Sometimes people are left with not knowing the things they should have done throughout high school. People from all different…

3 weeks ago

12 Things You Need To Experience Your First Year at York

As an incoming first year student, I understand the excitement you feel about getting to know York University. For this…

3 weeks ago