
5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

5 Easy Ways To Survive Winter In Canada

It’s almost that time: that dreaded time when weather reporters start saying the “F” word on television….Flurries…FLURRIES! Then, after the…

24 hours ago

20 Things Guelph Students Should Know

Uni can be both an exciting and intimidating experience. Whether you are a frosh or a senior, these are many…

1 day ago

10 Things You Could Realistically Do When You Only Have $8 Left In Your Bank Account

If you've ever checked your bank account after a day of being at the mall, grocery shopping, or paying for…

3 days ago

10 Things About The Bullring That Makes It The Ultimate Hangout Location

If you ever go to the University of Guelph you have to stop by the bullring. Whether it be to…

3 days ago

10 Cute Date Ideas To Do Around Guelph

Let’s be honest, dinner and a movie can get boring fast. University of Guelph, as well as areas surrounding the…

1 week ago

10 Things You Only Understand If You’re An Engineering Major At The University Of Guelph

Being an engineering major at the University of Guelph is a complicated stream. Somewhere between the endless assignments and complicated calculus…

1 week ago

10 Places To Hookup At The University Of Guelph

Coming into college, we all had soaring expectations of dreamy hookups on our new campus. Reality check! College hookups definitely…

1 week ago

50 Life Saving Tips For Freshman At University of Guelph

1. Walk around campus It is important to know where things are around your campus. Walk around a get a…

1 week ago

Floorcest: The Pros And Cons Of Hooking Up With Floormates

Floorcest, the simple definition for hooking up with floormates. If temptation hasn't already caught you, chances are you've already thought about, or…

2 weeks ago

The Ultimate Ranking Of Freshman Dorms At The University Of Guelph

Are you trying to decide which dorms at the University of Guelph are the best? Not all dorms are created…

2 weeks ago