
How To Kiss Someone So They Come Back Wanting More

How To Kiss Someone So They Come Back Wanting More

A friend of mine recently had their first kiss, and they felt super insecure about their "kissing skills". I thought…

1 day ago

10 Cute Rainy Day Dates

Ugh. Rainy day dates - it can be hard to make them romantic, right? WRONG. Need something lovey-dovey to do…

3 days ago

How To Be Single In University

It has almost become common sense that first years should enter freshman year single. No matter how steady a relationship…

4 days ago

How To Get Over Someone You Never Truly Had

We've all been there. We've all wondered how to get over someone. There were the ones that just weren't ready,…

4 days ago

10 Tips For Overcoming Communication Barriers In Any Relationship

Open, honest communication is crucial in any healthy relationship; whether that be a romantic relationship, a friendship, your relationship with…

7 days ago

10 Date Ideas For A First Time Romance

This is during the period where it is new and exciting. These date ideas will leave you feeling magical, but in…

1 week ago

10 Problems You Have When You Keep Your Relationships Secret

In this day and age of oversharing every single occurrence on social media, it’s not unusual to see some people…

1 week ago

What To Do If You’re Unsure If You Love Your BF Or GF Back

Having an intimate connection with another person who's seen you through the good and bad can be joyful, thrilling, yet…

1 week ago

The Ultimate Guide On How To Make A Relationship Last

Relationships can be tricky. We all know couples who seem to have the perfect relationship, but the truth is that…

2 weeks ago

Floorcest: The Pros And Cons Of Hooking Up With Floormates

Floorcest, the simple definition for hooking up with floormates. If temptation hasn't already caught you, chances are you've already thought about, or…

2 weeks ago