Bra Or No Bra… The Nipple Debate

Ideally, many women wear bras and then there is a good percentage of women who don’t believe in wearing bras. They are the ones that created the trend of free the epidemic.
Sexy Wear
Wearing bras could be a struggle especially when you have breast are really big so the only option that most women do is wear bralettes, sports bra and or just no bra at all. I personally have a hard time finding a good supportive bra, but I prefer wearing bralettes.
Feeling sexy is comforting and empowering, you feel sexy and comfortable in your own skin. Wearing a bra that is sexy and appealing to yourself should always be your number one priority.
Being sexy a lot of females enjoy and want to be able to appreciate your body in a positive manner.
Free Spirited
Being free spirited is an amazing quality because they have no problem with embracing everything about their body. They are against body shaming and high on feminity.
I know that there are times when I choose to be free and go free nippling around and I actually enjoy it. Studies show that women who wear no bra are less likely to develop issues with breast tissue as they get older.
Ain’t nothing wrong about freeing the nipple, who cares what anybody thinks or say, do what makes you happy.
The Nay Sayers
There are people in the world that always seem to find something so negative that was meant positive or isn’t harmful. I understand that there are a time and place for everything, but if a woman feels more comfortable in not wearing a bra; why is it a problem for someone else.
The question is not really behind why women don’t wear bras, it’s the fact that the nipple which is sexualized is being exposed which makes some people uncomfortable.
Be Okay With being Uncomfortable
One of my favorite quotes that my teacher has told me that has stuck with me for the longest is “In order to get passed something that makes you uncomfortable, you have to be okay, with being uncomfortable.” That just simply means not running or avoiding a topic, natural taboo subjects.
For instance, when women wear shirts without bras, a lot of individuals look at them as a distraction or that is inappropriate to do because you’re exposing young children and kids to sexual ideas.
God’s Creation
From the beginning, God had created men and woman in the likeness of his image. Understanding that, you will also understand and acknowledge that in the beginning men and woman while in the Garden of Eden were completely naked.
Before they ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of life, they were naked and not ashamed, but soon after they became aware because their eyes were open, so knowing that why should nipples be a big problem?
If God made it to be good and made it live the free in the nude then a little nip wouldn’t hurt anybody.
Free The Girls Hunny
Free the girls, let them breathe, don’t have them stuffed away behind a bra. The most beautiful thing that could happen is being in the land of the free, where you should be able to express yourself in your way.
If a person has a problem with you walking around without a bra on, then tell them to just go kick rocks. Tell them if they can’t handle it, they can look the other way.